Chapter Twenty-One

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Asa and Iruka sat in the large tent that would be their home for the time being. Naruto sat in front of them, a confused look on his face.

"Asa... Your what?" The teen questioned.

"I'm going to have a baby," the woman repeated again. Naruto now had a large grin on his face as he grabbed onto Asa's arms pulling her into a hug.

"I'm happy for you," Naruto told the woman. The two let go, allowing Asa to get up. She then walked to area of the tent that her and Iruka would be sleeping at. Asa laid down, closing her eyes as sleep took her.
Talk of Sasuke Uchiha being apart of the Akatsuki went around the rebuilding village. Asa sighed knowing the Uchiha was far from the light, she knew of Naruto wanting to save him from the dark. She was just afraid that it wouldn't happen, she feared how it would end. There was also talk of Danzo being the Hokage. Asa told Iruka how worried for the future of the village. There had been talk of Kakashi being a possible Kage, the woman highly praised the copy ninja. She expressed her worries and even suggested that Kakashi be the Hokage.

Asa had heard that Lady Tsunade had gone into an coma, this broke the girls heart knowing the Sannin would possibly never wake up. Asa walked to the tent Kurenai resided in, the woman wasn't showing like her friend was.

"How are you Kurenai?" The Namikaze questioned. Kurenai looked up at the girl with a smile.

"Fine. Ready to see my child," the woman answered. Asa smiled at her friend as she sat down next to the woman.

"How are you doing? I heard your not doing missions?" The Yūhi asked. Asa nodded looking down the at woman's stomach. Not everyone had known about Asa, the woman told her nephew and his teammates along with Kakashi. Iruka had kept quiet as well. They both were afraid in this time of bringing a child into the world.

"Okay. Yeah, we found out that I'm going to have a child," Asa told her friend. The blond looked to the Yuhi woman with a smile. Kurenai slowly got up, embracing Asa as she did so a happy look on the woman's face.

"I'm so happy for you. I bet Iruka is excited," Kurenai cheered with a smile. Asa nodded her head in response. The two then continued to talk about Kurenai's baby. The two guessed if it was a boy or girl, then talked about Asa and her pregnancy. Then talk went to Naruto and the village.

Asa expressed her worry, telling the woman how she thought this was the start of something big. Both agreed that there was something huge happening soon and they expressed their worry. The two had spent a few hours together before Iruka went to Kurenai's tent.

He walked in to see the two woman talking, they smiled the whole time. The man was glad Asa had a smile, there was some light in her life for once. He wanted it to stay that way.

"Asa," the man called. The blond turned her head to see her fiancé smiling at her. The two hadn't gotten married yet, and with the event's that have been happening they wanted to wait.

"Hey Iruka. See you Kurenai. Get some rest," the woman stated, hugging the Yuhi woman. Kurenai smiled at her friend, wishing her a good night.

The two left Kurenai's tent and walked to theirs. Iruka held Asa's hand as they walked. The woman looked at all the rebuilding going on. There had been people from their village and others that were rebuilding the Hidden Leaf. Asa leaned closer to Iruka, enjoying the walk they had back.

"Tired?" Iruka asked. He noticed that Asa had been yawning, her eyes half open as she walked. The woman hummed in response, closing her eyes for a minute.

"When we get back you can sleep," the male suggested kissing the top of her head. Asa nodded her head as the two walked into the tent. The rest of the night was peaceful for the time being. Iruka laid by Asa's side, he worried about the woman and her health. With the state of the village, his worry could only grow.

As the Five Kage summit had come to an end and a rumor of Danzo being dead had run through the village until Asa had over heard a few medical nin's talking about the new Hokage. Asa had been helping with the new hospital in any way she could. Everyone had heard of the woman being pregnant and knew that lifting would be limited.

The woman said until the day she gives birth she would lift whatever, so as the blond stood on a ladder hammering nails into the wall of the new hospital she heard a few people around her speaking of Kakashi being Hokage. The woman ignored the gossip until she heard the news from her friend herself. Asa walked down from nailing into the wood, grabbing the bottle she had of water and drinking it.

As the blond set the bottle down, a throat had cleared behind her. Asa turned around to see Iruka standing there with a vein popping from his head. She smiled sheepishly at the male, knowing of his dislike with her working in the heat.

"Really," was all he could say.

"I need to do something. Look Iruka I'm not the only one working, there are like five other guys here. I'm safe and fine," the blond walked over to Iruka, her hands on his chest as she said this. Iruka rolled his eyes, this had been the sixth time he had said something and each time led slight argument that ended in Iruka giving up. He knew how the woman felt about not helping.

"I know. Let's get something to eat, I heard Ichiraku opened up at temporary location," Iruka changed the subject. Asa brightened at the mention of ramen, the food had been something the woman loved. Asa grabbed onto Iruka's hand the male directing her where it was.

The two found that it wasn't too far from where they were. Iruka moved the flaps out of the way for Asa to walk in first, the woman thanked him as she walked ahead. The Namikaze walked straight for the bar, sitting down as Iruka took his seat next to her.

"Hey you two! What would you like?" Teuchi asked looking between Asa and Iruka.

"Miso please," Asa spoke.

"Me too please," added Iruka.

"Okay, I'll have them done," the older male replied turning around to the pots. Asa leaned her head down onto the table top, her arms crosses as she put her head onto them. Iruka watched as the woman quietly slept, she had been having a hard time sleeping. The woman would stay up late into the night before finally falling asleep. Iruka had woken a few times to her still up and sitting outside looking up into the night sky.

Her answer every time was "I'm not tired" then five minutes later she was sleep. Iruka smiled down at the blond, her face peaceful as she slept. Teuchi placed the two bowls down in front of the two, the older male noticed the Namikaze sleeping soundly.

"Must be tired," was all he said before turning back around. Iruka hummed, poking the woman with a pair of chop sticks. Asa groaned, waving a hand around to stop the poking.

"I'll get up. Stop poking or I'll slap you," threatened Asa as she lifted her head.

Iruka laughed, "I thought I was going to have to eat yours."

"In your dreams," joked Asa as she dug into her food. Iruka started to eat as well, both not saying a word but enjoying the taste of the ramen.

After the food, Asa went back to work. Iruka had stayed to help, the male was worried for the Namikaze. He would never stop worrying about her and she wouldn't stop worrying about him either.

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