Chapter Six

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It had hit mid after noon for Asa as she sat at the kitchen table in the corner with Emiko. The girl was so happy for her friend to be having a date tonight. She had agreed to watch Naruto for the night so the both of them could go out. The girls talked about everything going on like Naruto's first day at the academy.

"I'm so happy that he was excited this morning. You should have seen who fast he was eating!" laughed Asa as she recalled this morning. Emiko giggled along with the girl as she imagined what it would have looked like.

"I can see it in my head," giggled Emiko. Asa looked over at the time to see that the academy was getting out in an hour. Asa sighed taking her empty cup and rinsing it in the sink.

"It was funny," Asa started turning around, "I have to get Naruto from the academy. Want to come?"

"I do have to go that way. I need groceries, I'm running low," Emiko replied getting up with her cup. Asa took the cup from the girl as they moved into the living room until I was time to get the hyperactive boy.

"Do you have any idea of what you guys are gonna do on your date?" Emiko questioned. Asa started to play with her finger nails when Emiko questioned her. She was nervous about this date. What were they gonna do, or where they were going to go.

"I uh... I don't... Don't know where," Asa stuttered out. She was so nervous that her hands were getting clammy and she couldn't stop moving around.

"Well, I'm sure Iruka will have something in mind," Emiko smirked. Asa looked down at her hands, avoiding her friends gaze, she knew what was going through Emiko's mind. Asa looked back at the clock to see it was almost time to get Naruto so, the girl stood up.

"Ready to go?" Asa questioned escaping her friend. Emiko let out a 'hm' for a response and got up as well making their way to the door. The girl's walked in silence towards the academy, the sun was beating down and there was a nice breeze.

The girls walked side by side with smiles as they talked some more about Emiko's life and the man she had been seeing. The academy came into view and Asa could see all of the parents waiting for their children. Emiko and Asa said their good byes as the Namikaze walked closer to the academy and waited amoungest the parents.

Asa could hear the whispers like always, she ignored them as Iruka had told her. It was hard sometimes, Naruto was her only famaily left and hearing such things hurt her. Asa looked around as the kids started running from the school and to their parents. Big smiles were all over their faces as the ids were talking to their parents, Asa looked around the hoard of students looking for the blond boy.

Naruto went running down the hall to find his aunt. He was so excited to tell Asa that Iruka was his sensei. Iruka walked slowly behind Naruto seeing how excited the boy was, he just shook his head as the two walked from the academy looking for the curly blond head of hair. Naruto had spotted the girl first and ran to his aunt who turned around to see the boy running to her.

Iruka shook his head laughing as Asa picked up the boy in her arms and hugging him. Iruka walked closer to the two, a smile on his face. Asa looked at the sensei who was smiling at them, she smiled back and set the boy down.

"How was today?" Asa questioned as the three started to walk away.

"It was fun. Iruka is my new sensei!" Naruto excitedly jumped around. Asa chuckled and looked over at Iruka who shook his head at the boy's excitedness.

"Well, that is amazing. You study hard and learn everything you need to and I know one day you'll do great things," Asa told the boy. She could see her brother in his son, not just looks but even how he carried himself. Asa started to get a little sad thinking about her brother, she missed the blond Namikaze that made her day better. She missed running into the window of the Hokage's office to bother the Fourth.

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