Chapter 1

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Niall was finally out of the hospital, and doing quite well. Harry on the other still hadn’t forgiven himself for that night, but was trying to move on from it.

“So Nialler, we have faced hell these past few weeks, What’s next for us?”

“Well Hazza….”


4 Years Later….

Graduation day had finally fallen upon them, and Harry was going nuts, he was the class valedictorian, and with the ceremony hours away, he still had no idea what the hell he was going to say. He had been working on it for days, and still had nothing, he was about to make a fool out of himself in front of his family, his peers, and most importantly, Niall

“Whats wrong Hazza?” Niall asked, as he walked out of the bathroom.

“It’s this speech, I still don’t have it done, you should have been given this chance, you were only two points behind me.”

“Harry, you will do fine, you deserve this.”

“I don’t know, I have nothing to talk about.”

“Talk about life, your experiences, and what means the most in it life, but I have an idea why don’t you take a break, and we finish going over our plans for our vacation.” Niall said.

“Okay.” Harry said pulling out their plans.

“So tomorrow we finish packing, and go back to our homes, then we meet up in London, and we go to Paris from there.” Harry continued.

The two went over their plans for a little bit, then Harry had to get back to his speech, he finally knew how he was going to do what he had planned.

“…..Students, friends, family, I proudly present UCLA’s graduating class of 2012! Congratulations!”

Everyone threw up their caps in celebration, except Harry, he was worried that he was about to make a fool out of himself in front of everyone, but he had to do what he had to do.

“And now I would like to ask the class Valedictorian to come up, and speak. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Harry Styles!...”

Sounds of applause came from every which way, as Harry walked up to the stage, and approached the mic.

                “Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to start out by thanking all the parents, families, and friends who are here tonight. Some have traveled from across town, some from Different states, and some including my traveled from different countries to be here with us tonight, and I think I can speak for us all when I say how much it means for you all to be here. Tonight I would like to talk to you guys about life, love, and friendship. I am going to tell you the story of two eight year old boys, they are the best of friends for as long as they can remember, almost like brothers, and yet they are separated due to one’s parents getting a divorce. Their world is caving around them everything is changing, and to make matters worse, the friend whose parents have just divorced is moving to a different country. The two are lost without each other. They stay in contact through mail, but one day the letters stopped. The two wondering what happened, and if they would ever see each other again.”

Niall was stunned to hear what Harry had decided to talk about, he wondered why, but he knew Harry had a point in this.

“Ten years later the two are both in college. One makes friends, the other is kinda a loner, and keeps to himself. Unknowingly the two are attending the same school in America. It is unknown to them for weeks, until a very good friend realized something, the two both had the same picture in their rooms, of two eight year old boys. The friend put two and two together and figured out, it was his roommate’s long lost friend. He comes up with a plan to reunite them, it fails miserably, but is an epic win at the same time. The two manage to discover each other by accident. At that point things are like the old days, but they both kept a secret from each other. They both feared what might happen if the other knew. They were falling in love, but was unsure about how the other felt. Finally the confessed their love for each other, and they start a relationship. The two had never been happier. Their families loved it…. for the most part.”

Harry continued, while Niall wondered where he was going with all this.

“Through it all the two grew, and gave each other the strength, and will power to get through anything, They learned that “Friendship Never Ends” and that love is “Now and Forever”. Every obstacle they have faced they have overcome and were stronger for it. Now most of you are probably wondering, where is he going with this? Well my point is that without the love and friendship life is going to be tough, and with love and friendship, you can do anything, and for those who are wondering who those two eight year old boys are…. One of them was me… The other is the love of my life.. Niall… and in front of you all, I want to do the most important thing I will ever do……. Niall James Horan, I love you more than anything in the world. You are my everything. These past 4 years of being together have been some of the best, and I don’t want it to end, basically what I’m trying to say is…. Niall James Horan…. Will You Marry Me?”


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