Chapter 9

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Kia was awake the next morning making coffee, when Harry came downstairs. She smiled, and asked if he wanted any, he nodded in agreement

“So how’d you sleep?” Harry asked her.

“I didn’t.” She replied.


“Well I kept being woken up by the sounds of you two fucking. “

“Oh… um you head us?”

“OH NIALL, OH HARRY!!!, HARDER HARDER.” Kia quoted, and giggled.

“So Kia, when is that nude spread calendar of you in the kitchen going to be done?” He asked.

Kia shut up quickly, she was always having kitchen jokes made at her.

“So anyway have you guys set a date for the wedding yet?”

“Yeah actually, we wanted a long engagement, so we are getting married in 3 weeks.”

“WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!” She said, sounding stunned.

“Yupp.” He said, with a cheaky grin.

By this point Niall had emerged, and joined them for coffee. Kia was filled with questions about how they were going to pull all this off in three weeks, and they were happy to answer them.

“Sounds like you are going to need my help.” She said.

“We would love it.” Niall replied.

“Well we need to start with sending invites out. I already have a location booked.” Harry said.

“Where?” Kia asked.

“The St. Pancras Renaissance London Hotel.”

“Isn’t that where The Spice Girls shot their “Wannabe” video?” Niall asked.

“Sure is!”

“Well then the next think is invites.” Kia said.

The two wanted everybody there. All their friends, and family. They went on for hours, going over everyone they want.

“We need to get addresses.” Kia said.

“Oh we need to invite Jackie, and her family.” Niall said.

“JACKIE!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HER, and I will manage to get that buffalo hat from her.” Harry said.

“Give it up Harry, she is never gunna part with it.” Kia replied”

“GUYS!!! Can we get back to business?” Niall shouted.

For the rest of the morning they continued going over plans, and sending out the invites. Niall and Kia decided to go to Nandos, but Harry stayed behind. He had other things he needed to do. Once he was sure they were gone, he pulled his phone out, and called their friend Andrew.

“Hey Harry.”

“Hey whats up?”

“Not much just playing THE GAME!” Andrew repled.


Andrew just laughed.

“Anyway whats up?” Andrew continued.

“Well I need your help.”

“That’s nice dear.”


“What do you need hun?”

“I need you here, like now.”

“Umm your taken, I don’t mess around with men in relationships.” He said, and kinda giggled.

“Ha Ha Ha, no I need your help, I wanna do something special at the wedding with my vows.”

“Ahhhh well I have an idea or two.”

“How soon can you be here?” Harry asked.

“I’ll get on the next flight.”


“I’ll call you before I leave.”

“Okay love ya!”

“Love ya too!”

Harry was excited, he really wanted to do something special, but had no idea what to do. He knew Andrew would help him come up with something AMAZING! 

Gotta Be You: Narry Saga Book 3Where stories live. Discover now