Chapter 13

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Kia walked into the flat, and started to make her way to the bedroom. She was worried, unsure if she could convince Niall that everything was alright, but she is Kia, and Kia can do anything!

It was really quiet in the flat, which was not normal for Niall, he always has music blasting, or he’s jamming on his guitar, but this was different, it was pure silence. Suddenly she heard the sound of glass shattering, and she darted to Niall’s room, and what she saw stunned her.

When Kia stormed in, and saw Niall on the floor, bleeding from his wrist, shard of glass in his hand.

“Niall, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” She yelled.

“Just let me do this kia, there isn’t a point to me being alive if I can’t have the man I love.” He replied, in a low tone.

She crouched down, and took the chunk of glass out of his hand, then slapped him.

“Nialler, suicide isn’t the answer, I can’t believe your stupid enough to even try this.” She said, pulling the crying boy into her embrace.

“Then what am I saposta do, be miserable the rest of my life?” Niall said, tears streaming down his face.

“Well I tell you what your gunna do. Your gunna come with me, and we are gunna get you cleaned up, and then you are going to listen to what I have to say.”

Niall remained silent, but nodded in agreement, as Kia took him to the bathroom, to clean him up.

After the blood stopped, and Niall all cleaned up, Kia took him into the kitchen for some tea. She sat him down, and began talking.

“Listen to me, you need to forgive Harry.” She said.

“Why the hell shoul..”

“Because it’s not what you thought it was.” She said, cutting him off.

“How do you know?” He asked.

“I talked to him.”

“And how do you know, he’s not lying?”

“Trust me, I’m Kia, he told Liam, and I everything, we know what he’s been up to.”

“Then what was he up to? Tell me!” Niall demanded.

“See that’s where it gets complicated. Harry made Liam, and I promise not to say anything to you.” She said, sighing.

“Then why should I believe you?”

“Because I’m Kia! And honey, trust me, Harry was not cheating on you, I promise you, Harry is sitting in Starbucks with Liam right now, crying his eyes out over all this. Don’t call off the wedding, you won’t be sorry.”

“Fine, I believe you, I’ll go down to Starbucks, and apologize, but why can’t I know what he’s up to?.”

“You will know soon enough.” Kia said, and smiled.

“Well if I end up, hurt, or crying I blame you.”

“Oh trust me you will be crying, but in a good way.”

Niall finally started smiling again, and with that Kia sent Liam, and Harry a text.

*Text* Mission Accomplished!

“Okay, I’m gunna go down, and make things right.” He said.

“Okay, I will have dinner ready when you get back.” She replied.

He smiled, and was out the door.

(A/N This is the last finished chapter I have done. I hope to have it soon!)

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