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10 years later

“Dad, Daddy I’m home.”

Ten years have passed, since Harry, and Niall said I do, and they couldn’t be any more in love than they were that day. They have the perfect life. A beautiful home, and an amazing son named Timmy.

“How was your first day?” Harry asked?

“It was awesome! Uncle Liam is a good teacher!”

“Well we will see about that. Uncle Liam, and Auntie Kia, are coming for dinner tonight.” Niall said.


“Yupp, so go do your homework, so you can impress him when they get here.” Harry said.

“Okay, Daddy.” Timmy said, running to his room.

Liam, Kia had their own story book wedding, a year after Niall, and Harry’s, and now have three children of their own.

“Well Ni, I think we are doing alright at this parenting thing.”

“I do too. Timmy is a great kid.”

“He reminds me of us, when we were his age.” Harry said.

“Let’s hope his life is happy as can be.”

“It will be.”

After all these years Harry still looked at Niall like the day they met all those years ago. Niall is his best friend, His love, and his world. Life couldn’t be any sweeter for them.

“I love you Nialler.”

“I love you too Hazza.”


“And Forever.”

(Sorry if the epilogue sucks... I'm not good at them... I hope you liked the story.)

Gotta Be You: Narry Saga Book 3Where stories live. Discover now