Chapter 15 Part 2 (FINAL CHAPTER)

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(A/N Okay guys here is part 2... I promise when it gets to the actual wedding it will be longer!)

Niall’s POV

Niall woke up the next morning to smell of bacon cooking downstairs. I told Harry’s it was bad luck to see me before the wedding. He thought to himself, as he crawled out of bed, tossing on a pair of sweats, and a hood, then making his way to the kitchen. What he saw, as he walked in was one of the cutest things he had ever seen. Liam, and Kia were in there snogging. Niall had been waiting a long time to finally see it.

“About damn time guys!” he said, when they finally noticed him.

“Oh shut it, leprechaun.” Liam said, chuckling.

“Make me.” He replied, with a toothy grin.

“So sweetie, since it’s your wedding day, we thought we would make you breakfast.” Kia said.

“It looked more like snogging to me.” Niall said, still laughing.

Their faces turned bright red.

“Okay Niall, you, and Liam stay here, and eat. I’m going down to the hotel, to get your wedding party.” She said.

They both nodded in agreement, as she walked out of the flat.

Harry’s POV

Harry woke up to the sound of pounding on his door that just wouldn’t quit.

“COMING!” He yelled.

I’m getting married today! He thought to himself, as he made his way to the door. When he answered it, an extremely perky Kia, burst through the door.

“Morning, Kia!” He said, as she sat down on the couch.

“Good morning love, I brought you some breakfast, we have a busy day ahead of us!” She replied.

“I know, and I only slept like 2 hours.”


“Well since I had to reveal my plan, and song to you, and Liam I spent all night writing, and composing a whole new song, I want it to be a surprise for everyone, and It is so much better, because it’s my feelings, in their entirety.”

“Oh well, speaking of surprises… Liam, and I are… Together…. SURPRISE!”

“Kinda, figured, Niall just sent me a text saying you were snogging in our kitchen…”


“It’s always the kitchen with you isn’t it.”

“Oh shut up, you twat. Oh god, I need to go back to the states, I’m already beginning to talk you guys.”

Harry just chuckled.

“Anyway, get ready your wedding party will be here soon, I already woke them up.”

With that said, Kia made her way to the door.

“Thank you Kia.” Harry said.

“For what hun?”

“Everything, none of this would have been possible if it weren’t for you.”

“What are friends for sweetie.” She said, hugging him.

And as she finally headed out,  Zayn, Sarah, Jackie, Paul, and Amanda showed up.

Niall’s Pov.

“I never agreed to wear a dress, when I said I would be your flower girl.” Kyle shouted at Niall.

“Dude, it’s rainbow just like you!”

“Your one to talk!”

“Okay calm down, I was kidding, you aren’t wearing a dress.”

“You know I would if I really had to.”

“I know.”

“So where is the rest of the party?” Niall asked.

“They left us, they are already there!”

“Then let’s get to the hotel!”

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