Chapter 15 Part 3 (FINAL CHAPTER)

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(A/N ITS NOT OVER YET!!!! Okay it starts out in "SOMONE'S POV" if you have read all three it souldn't take you too long to figure out who this is.... anyway I am putting music in this so when you see (PLAY SONG) play the songs I put the title of the song with it cuz it wont let me put multiple videos in the side so you might have to look em up but the music isnt needed just adds fluff)


He’s getting married today. I thought to myself as I was getting ready for the wedding. I hope he won’t be mad for showing up, but I can’t keep myself away. I still can’t believe after everything that has happened, Harry invited me. It truly means allot that he did, maybe this is my chance to make things right. I miss Niall, and I still don’t forgive myself for acting the way I did. I have been waiting my whole life, for this day. The day Niall becomes a married man.

Niall’s POV

I was nervous. In a few minutes, I would be standing in front of my family, and friends, and becoming Mr. Niall Horan-Styles. I don’t know why I was so nervous, the room is filled with people who love us, this should be easy right? Well it’s not, My mother’s final words to me were lingering in my head “I will not have a gay son.” “Well if you won’t change your ways, then I only have one son!”  I’m not sure why it bugs me like it does, maybe I just miss her. When I pictured getting married, I always imagined her there, but sadly it’s not my reality.

“Are you ready son?” Bobby asked.

“Yeah dad, just a little nervous.”

“You have nothing to worry about. You know I never imagined, that I would be walking one of my sons down the aisle, and you know I would never change it for the world. I’m so proud of you Niall.” He said, tears in his eyes.

“I love you daddy.” He said, hugging his father, with all his strength.

“I love you too, Niall. Now let’s get you married.”

Harry’s POV

I was shaking. In a few moments I would be married to the most amazing person I had ever met. Thoughts flashing through my head. What if he doesn’t like my song? What if he gets mad about my other surprise? What if I mess up while singing? Enough of that Harry! Everything will be perfect.

“You okay Haz?” Sarah asked.

“Yeah, just nervous I guess.”

“You will be fine.” Zil said, walking up to me, wearing cat ears, and a tail.

“Really Zilly, cat ears?”

“Duh. I am part cat… Meow Meow.”

“You’re a goof.” He said, hugging her.

“Come on Let’s have a wedding.” Sarah said.

Back to my normal POV

The room was filled. Everyone had come. It was the most beautiful sight either of them had ever seen. The smell of roses filled the air. It was just absolutely amazing.

Finally the music started playing.(PLAY FIRST SONG

And slowly Harry made his way down the aisle, escorting his mother to her seat.

“I love you so much Harry.” Anne said, tears pouring from her eyes.

“I love you too, mommy.” He said, kissing her on the cheek, before taking his place up at the altar.

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