Chapter 2

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The crowd was silent, all eyes on Niall. Harry motioned Niall to come up on stage, so he did. He walked up to Harry, and just looked at him with tears in his eyes. Finally Harry got down on one knee holding out a ring to Niall, and asked again.

“Niall James Horan, will you do me the honor of marrying me?”

Niall stood there for a moment, still tearing up.

“Is this really happening?” Niall thought to himself. “Is all of this real?” Niall had always thought he would be the one to propose, but Harry had beat him to it, and without a second thought, he answered the question.

“Yes! Harry Edward Styles, I will” He said as he continued to tear up.

Harry stood up, as the crowd started clapping, and he slipped the ring on Niall’s finger, then leaned over, and kissed Niall, with more passion than he ever had before.

The crowed continued to cheer. Harry’s mother was crying, while his father and Niall’s father shook hands, telling each other how excited that they were going to be in-laws. Liam and Zayn, just looked at each other, and smiled, cheering louder than anyone else.

After everyone had calmed down, and the ceremony had ended, Harry, Niall, and their parents all went out to dinner, Niall’s mother of course was not there, she and Niall didn’t really speak, in fact she didn’t speak to him at all, she didn’t agree with his lifestyle “choice”, but he didn’t care, everyone that mattered was with him to celebrate.

Harry’s mother stood to speak.

“Guys I would like to propose a toast, 14 years ago our boys were separated, and I can’t begin to tell you how devastated Harry was, and I’m sure Niall was just as devastated. For me it was like losing one of my own, I’ve always loved Niall like my own, and Bobby I know you feel the same way about Harry.” Niall’s father nodded his head in agreement. “Anyway 4 years ago our boys reunited, after ten long years of wondering if they would ever see their best friend again. Now 4 years later they are getting married, and we have become one big family. Harry, Niall, I love you guys more than anything, and wish you both nothing, but love and happiness for the rest of your days! To Harry and Niall.”

“To Harry and Niall.” They all said, as they raised their glasses.

For the rest of the night, they all continued talking, and celebrating, until finally Harry and Niall had to head back for the last night in their dorm. On the drive home,(Harry riding in the back seat, still afraid to sit up front while Niall was driving.) the two discussed what their living arrangement, and decided that they were going to find a flat in London, and decided that they would put their vacation on hold, so they could find a place.

The two walked hand in hand to their dorm, and boy did they have a big surprise when they walked in. The room was all decorated, with flowers, rose peddles, candles, romantic music, strawberries, and champagne. The two just looked at the room stunned.

They both looked at each other, and said “Did you do this?”

“How could I have done this? I was with you the entire time.” Niall said

“Well I couldn’t have done it.”

Then they spotted a card on their bed.


Words cannot describe how happy we are for you two. We are overjoyed, and cannot to see you two on your big day. We took it upon ourselves to plan a special night for you. We hope you guys have a nice night. Meet us at our dorm tomorrow morning at 9, we are taking you guys out for breakfast. Enjoy your night, you guys deserve it.

                                                                                                                Love you guys,

                                                                                                                Liam and Zayn”

The two were stunned, they couldn’t believe that Liam and Zayn could have pulled this off. So the two popped open the bottle of champagne, and enjoyed themselves.

“Hazza, I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect night, thank you.”

“No Nialler, thank you for making me the happiest man on earth.”

“Before I forget, take your ring off real quick.”

“Why?” Niall asked.

“It’s engraved, inside.”

Niall read the inside “I’ll never let you go.”

“Bieber lyrics, Really?” He said.

“It’s actually my promise to you, and there is more.”

“Love Hazza”

All Niall could do was smile. Niall took Harry’s glass, and set them both on the table, and leaned forward to kiss him.

“You know, this is our last night in our dorm, why not make it memorable?” Niall said.

“Your right.” Harry said, and grinned, as he pulled the sheets over them.

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