Chapter 3

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Harry awoke the next morning, feeling better than he ever had in his whole life, he felt complete for the first time in his life. Harry looked at his clock, 15 minutes till 9. Niall was still sound asleep, with a smile on his face.

“Niall wake up baby.”

“5 more minutes.” Niall groaned.

“Not today love, we have a busy day, and we have to meet up with Liam and Zayn in 15 minutes.”

Niall pilled the other pillow over his head.

“You know, neither of us got dressed after last night, and it would be a shame if I left the room, and left the door open.” Harry said, while putting on some shorts, and yanking the blanket off of Niall.

“Harry everyone on this floor knows that we have sex, so I don’t think it would shock anyone if they saw me lying in bed naked.”

“Okay.” Harry said, as he started to turn the handle on the door.

“OKAY! I’ll get up!” Niall shouted.

Harry plopped onto the bed next to Niall, and kissed him. Niall smiled.

“Good, Let’s get ready!” Harry said.

The two got ready, and walked down the hall to Liam and Zayn’s room.

Liam was waiting for them.

“Where is Zayn?” Niall asked.

“Oh, he’s a little hung over, he will meet us at Cathy’s”

“Okay, let’s go!” Harry said.

Cathy’s had become their hangout over the years, it was just a little knock about place, but it was their second home, they had all become close with Barbie, the waitress, she was a fiery redhead, with the personality to match. They had also become close with Jojo and Kate, the two cooks. Over the years they had made some Amazing friends in there, they had met a bunch of cool people from school, who also had taken a liking to the place. They were and odd bunch, almost like outcasts, but they didn’t care, they fit in just fine with them. They finally arrived and walked through the door, and they had a big surprise waiting for them.

“CONGRADULATIONS!” Everyone yelled.

Harry and Niall were blown away, the whole gang was there. Kia, the mother of the group, she’s always there whenever you are having a problem. Britny, well she’s sorta the Meg of the group, but they all love her. Paul, The protector, if anyone messed with you he would take care of them, just to name a few of them. They were all there to celebrate with Harry and Niall.

“Guy’s I’m going to miss you all dearly, over the years you guys have become my kids, and by far my favorite customers, and I am greatly proud of all of you for graduating, I love you guys.” Barbie said, getting teary eyed.

“We will miss you too, Barbie” They all said.

“Barb you are like a mother to us that is why once we set the date, Niall and I would like you to be at our wedding , and we will pay for your trip.” Harry said.

“We want all of you guys there, one way or another we will find a way for you all to get to London for it.” Niall said.

The room got very emotional, they all embraced before they had to return to the campus to finish packing.

“I can’t believe, we are going to be apart for a whole week.” Niall said, as he started packing his final box.

“I know, but once things are settled, you and I will be off to London to house hunt.

“Yeah, but what am I going to do with myself for a week.”

“I tell you what your gunna do with yourself, your gunna get on Skype, and we will….”Entertain each other” , then when you get to England we will make up for lost time.” Harry said, and grinned.

“Well, we do have about 20 minutes till we have to get to our planes.” Niall said.

“We do!” Harry said, and grinned.

“All we would have time for is maybe some foreplay.” He continued.

“I’m fine with that.”

Niall pushed Harry onto the bed, and started kissing him making his way to Harry’s neck, biting down on the sensitive spot. Harry let out a gasp of pleasure. Niall continued his way down, while removing Harry’s shirt. Moving his way down, while Harry let out gasps, with every bit of skin contact, He undid Harry’s jeans, and pulled them off, revealing Harry’s throbbing member. When all of a sudden….

“Woah!” Liam said as he walked into the room.”

“OMG LIAM! What the hell.” Harry shouted while grabbing a blanket, to cover himself.

Liam didn’t say a word for a few moments. He was in shock at what he walked in on.

“Care to join us?” Niall asked.

Finally Liam came to his senses.

“As tempting as an offer as that is, I’ll pass. Liam said, and kinda chuckled.

“Anyway, sorry for interrupting, but I’m getting ready to head to the airport, and I wanted to come say goodbye to you.” He continued.

“It’s okay man” Harry said.

“We’re gunna miss you Li.” Niall said.

“You will have to come see us in London when we get our place.” Niall continued.

“You know I will.” He replied.

“I Love you guys.” Liam said, as he went over to hug them.

“We love you too.” They said.

As Liam left they realized there was no chance to save their moment, they knew they had to get to the airport too. So Harry got dressed, and they began loading the car. They held hands they entire way to the airport. They checked all their belongings, and had one final moment together.

“I love you Hazza.”

“I love you too Nialler.”

“I wish we didn’t have to leave each other.” Niall said.

“It’s only a week love.”

“I know, but it’s going to feel like forever.”

The intercom announced, that the flights were boarding.

The two embraced, then passionately kissed.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“My flight lands before yours, so call me when you land, okay Hazza?”

“Will do, see you on Skype after take-off.”  Harry said.

The two had one final kiss and hug, then made their separate ways.

Gotta Be You: Narry Saga Book 3Where stories live. Discover now