Chapter 6

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Niall woke up the next day, and realized he had gotten nothing done the night before, and it all had to be done before three. His flight was at six, so he had allot to do, and not allot of time to do it. Niall was just about to start packing when he got a text from Kia.

“Harry got the house!!!”

“YES!” He replied.

“So what time does your flight get in. 7:30”

“Okay I’ll be sure to be there, and not let Harry know!”

“Okay! But hey I gotta finish packing my stuff, so ill ttyl love you.”

“Love you too.”

Niall was excited, the only thing that worried him was the fact he was taking a privet plane, but he knew he would be fine. He continued packing all day, although he didn’t have too much to pack, it took forever, he kept getting distracted by the cool stuff he was finding.

Finally Niall finished, and just in time to his was ready to load the truck, and take him to the airport.

“I can’t believe my boy is leaving home.” His dad said.

“Dad, technically I haven’t lived here for a few years now.”

“I know, but I still can’t get over the fact that your grown, and getting married.” His dad said, getting teary eyed.

“Oh I spoke to your mother today, she misses you, and wants you to come see her, when you get to London.”

“If she missed me, she would have come to my graduation, she wouldn’t have stopped talking to me, when I told her I was gay, and dating Harry. If she even cared, she wouldn’t have said any of the horrible things she said.”

Niall hadn’t spoken to his mother, since Harry and him had started to dating. She was against it, she couldn’t accept the fact, that Niall was gay, and with all the horrid things she said to him, Niall didn’t want to see her.

“I know she said some things she shouldn’t have, but I really think she feels guilty about it, and just wants her boy back.”

“Then send Greg her way! I’m done discussing this, just get me to the airport.” Niall snapped at his dad.

The rest of the ride to the airport was silent. Niall’s father didn’t realize how much his son was still hurting, from his mother’s rejection.

Niall loaded his stuff in the plane, and was ready to go, sending a text to Kia, letting her know he was on his way. The plane took off, and all Niall could do was just look out at the clouds, and think of how AMAZING his new life was going to be.


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