Chapter 4

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The two were on Skype together for almost the entire duration of their flights. This week was going to drive them both nuts, but Niall had a plan, something big.

“Well Hazza, my plane is getting ready to land soon. I gotta log off. I love you”

“I’ll call you when we land, I love you too.”

The two both signed off, Harry was sad that his boo was going to be so far away for a whole week, but he wasn’t going to let it annoy him, he had a plan. Harry had spent a good portion of the flight looking for flats in London. He wanted to surprise Niall, and save time, so when Niall got there they wouldn’t be staying at his parents’ house till they found a place, and Harry had found that Niall would love. Harry emailed the guy selling it and was meeting him the next day. Harry wanted to have it all ready when Niall got there. While Harry was busy with his surprise, Niall was working on his own surprise, he knew that a week would drive them both nuts, so Niall had a plan, he was going to pack everything that he needed at his home in Ireland, and go to England the next day.

Finally Harry was home, and the first thing he did when he got home was run to his room to Skype with Niall.

“HAZZA!!!!” Niall Shouted.


“About time you get ahold of me.”

“I just got here.”

“Ahh, I wish you were here with me.” Niall said.

“Same here, but I have allot to keep me occupied until you get here.”

“You have multiple dates with your right hand? Niall asked, and chuckled.

“Nope, but I have a feeling you are going to have several with your left hand.” Harry fired back.

“I actually have to go to London tomorrow.”

“Why?” Niall asked.

“Well I was going to keep it a surprise, but I found the perfect flat for us, and I’m going to look at it tomorrow, and if it is as perfect as the pictures look, Then I’m going to buy it for us.”

“I wanna see pics!”

Harry sent Naill the link to where he found it, and Niall fell in love.

“This needs to be our home!” Niall said.

“How much is it a month?” he asked.

“£1,700 a month.” Harry replied.

“We can manage that.”

The two continued to talk for a few hours, and by this point everyone was asleep, so Harry decided it was time for his favorite hobby, that’s right, he stated to get naked.

“Harry, I know you like being naked, but must you torment met like this.”

“How is this tormenting you?” Harry asked, grinning from ear to ear.

“It’s gunna be a whole week, before I can see you, touch you, kiss you, and here you are sitting there naked. Do you have any idea what that does to me?”

“Well by the looks of it, it’s getting you hard.” Harry giggled.

Niall had been too flustered, with the fact that he was so far from his love to realize that indeed, he did have a growing issue. When he finally realized it his face turned red.

“Thanks for pointing that out Harry.” Niall said.

“Anytime, why don’t you join me in this all natural state, and maybe then we could have a little bit of fun with this.”

“I see where you’re going with this now”

Niall started stripping off his clothes, after making sure the door was locked due to what happened at their dorm.

“Happy now Hazza?”

“You tell me.”

Harry stood up, exposing his throbbing member to Niall.

“I would say you are pretty happy baby.”

“Tell me what would we be doing right now if I were there?” Harry asked.

“Well I would kiss you, starting at your mouth, and slowly make my way to your neck.”

Harry let out a moan, as he began to gently run his hand down his body.

“Then I would continue the rest of the way down your body, and take you all the way into my mouth.

“Keep going.” Harry groaned, as he gripped himself, and started to stroke himself.

“You love that don’t you?”

“Oh yeah, I want you so bad right now, Niall.”

“What would you to do me if I were with you now?” Niall asked.

“Well I would pull you back up, and kiss your lips, then I would flip us over so that I would be on top, cocks rubbing against one another.

“Mmmmm, what else?” Niall asked, slowly starting to stroke himself.

“I would slowly work my way down your body, nibbling on all your sensitive spots.”

Niall let out loud gasps of pleasure.

“I would slowly start going down on you, then when you tell me your ready, I would slowly put it in.”

Niall continued to let out loud gasps, as did Harry, both stroking themselves at an extremely fast rate, continuing to talk dirty to each other. They both knew they wouldn’t last much longer.

“Harry, Im gunna….”

“Me too….”

And almost simultaneously, they both lost it, riding out their orgasms for all they were worth. Both still heavily breathing, and smiling.

“So how as that?” Harry asked, still gasping for breath.

“Just as good as the real thing.” Niall replied

“I hate to break this off love, but I have a huge mess to clean up, it’s all over my laptop.” Harry said, kinda giggling.

“Don’t worry baby, I’m in the same situation.” Niall chuckled.

“I love you, Hazza.”

“I love you too, Nialler “

(A/N For some odd reason my tags keep getting messed up! Idk why so sorry about that, I keep fixing them but they go back to how it was!)

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