Chapter 14 Part 3

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(A/N Okay guys this is the finall part of chapter 14... It kinda sucks in my opinion, but well here it is hope you like it!)

Back to regular POV

Harry, and Niall’s was was nothing but silence. Neither of them knew what to say. They remained silent until Niall broke the silence.

“Harry, I don’t know what to say, I am so sorry.” He said, in a low tone.

“How could you ever think I would cheat on you? Especially after all we have been though together.”

“Haz, I just don’t know, I was being paranoid, I just love you so much, that when you started seeming distant, I just jumped to conclusions, and I know sorry doesn’t cut it.”

“I love you too, with all my heart, and I always have, even before we were together I loved you. When we were separated, I was torn, and with all this, I felt the same way I did the day you walked out of my life.”


*14 years ago*

“I’m going to miss you my leprechaun.” Harry said to himself watching his best friend leave him, and walk out of his life.

Harry was alone, he had just watched the best friend he had ever had, walk out of his life. Deep in his heart he knew, that he would never see Niall again. The thought dug deep into his heart.

For the rest of that evening, Harry sat in their for, just staring at a photo of them, crying his eyes out, when he finally went home, his mother didn’t ask any questions. She could tell by his puffy red eyes, and tear stained face, that Niall was gone.

*End of flashback*

“Don’t you think I felt the same way? My life had been crumbling around me, and that is how I felt this afternoon, when I saw you with Andrew.”

“I’m sorry Ni, I wish I could tell you why I have been sneaking around, but I honestly can’t, but you will find out on our big day.” Harry replied.

“You still want to marry me, after the stunt I pulled today?”

“I would be stupid if I didn’t. All this stunt did, was show me how much you love me, and on our day, you will get to see how much I truly love you.”

Niall couldn’t contain his smile, tears were pouring down his and Harry’s faces.

Before Harry could say anything else Niall, broke the gap between them.

“I love you Hazz.”

“I love you too, Ni.”

“Let’s go home.”

He nodded, and they made their way home. As soon as they walked in the door, they walked in on what they never thought they would see. Liam, and Kia were about to kiss, and they had just ruined the moment.

“Hey guys.” They said, as they walked in.

“Is everything okay?”

“We are fine… the wedding isn’t off.” Niall said, grinning.

“Well we are gunna go upstairs for a bit, clean up Niall’s mess.” Harry said, smiling.

“Are you sure it’s not make up sex?” Kia said, laughing.

Niall, and Harry’s faces turned bright red.

“Can’t we do both?” Niall said, dragging Harry to the bedroom.

Once the two were gone, Kia, and Liam were left alone again.

“I’m glad they are gunna be okay.” Liam finally spoke.

“Me too, now back to us.” Kia said, cupping Liam’s face, and pulling him into a kiss.

“So now Liam, tell me what does that tell you?” She asked.

Liam was stunned.

“I…I..I’ll.. Take that as… a yes.” He stuttered out.

(A/N OKAY I HOPE YOU LIKED IT..... VOTE..... COMMENT.....DO IT......NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway... The wedding is almost here 2 more chapters!!! and an epilogue!!!<3)

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