Chapter 7

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Harry was amazed about how fast things were going. His mother drove to London, bringing his stuff with her. The furniture that him and Kia had picked out earlier, as was being set up, and everything just seemed to be falling into place. Harry was shocked at how much you could do in one day, it was beginning to look like a home! Harry had ordered pics of him and Niall, and them and their friends and families, and was framed them. He hung them, and placed them all around the house. It looked like he had been moved in for a month, everything unpacked and set up. He couldn’t believe how perfect it was!

“Kia, I’m going to the store, I need to stock the kitchen, and get some things that will be needed.”

“Okay, your mom and I are going to go pick up dinner.” She said.

“Sounds good to me!”

This was perfect. In reality his mom was taking Kia to go get Niall, and some dinner, then she was heading back to Cheshire.

When they got to the airport, they both greeted Niall and loaded the car.

“So Kia and I have a plan to surprise Harry.” Anne said.

“what’s that?” He asked.

“We have a box, and we are going to put you in it, and put a bow on it, and when he opens it you will be in it.” Kia said.


“We have a surprise for you too Niall.” Kia said.

“We aren’t taking you back to Cheshire. The whole house is finished!” Anne said.


“It’s been a long day. Anne, Harry, and I have been working all day to make this flat a home for you and Harry.”

“OMG, thank you guys so much!”

“Don’t thank us, we did it because we love you.” Kia said.

“I love you guys too!”

They pulled up, and Niall was AMAZED when he walked through the door. It was perfect, it brought him to tears. They stashed Niall’s stuff in the spare room, and got Niall in the box Kia got a text from Harry saying “Be there in 5 minutes, get the door for me please.” Anne took her leave, while Kia and Niall played the waiting game. Kia saw Harry pull up, and went to get the door.

“Hey Haz, let me take some of those.” Kia said.

“Thanks. What’s this.” He said, setting down bags, as he spotted the box.

“Your mom and I got you something for the new house.”

“you didn’t have to do that, and where is she?”

“We wanted to you and Niall will love it, and she had to head home.” She said.

“Can I open it now?”


Harry opened it, and saw a bunch of packing foam, and was about to start digging through it to find the surprise, when Niall popped up out of the foam, and gave Harry the wettest, sloppiest kiss ever.

“NIALLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Harry Screamed.

“But How?!?!?!?!” He continued.

“I have my ways.” Niall said, and smirked.

Harry looked at Kia.

“And you knew about this?”

“Sure did!”, she said, and grinned.

Niall climbed out of the box, and the three sat down for dinner. Talking endlessly about everything, going over wedding plans, and what the plans for the next day were. Harry didn’t care what they did he was just happy to have Niall Home!

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