Sugar and spice

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( this is a Vox x Valentino chapter and a bit of Alastor,Angel and Lucifer)

It was another day in hell and everyone in the hotel was getting along just fine. Lucifer made a deal with Valentino and Charlie was overjoyed that the overlords were staying in the hotel and trying to be better, but also getting along with the other demons. All was well in the hotel except for one demon.
Vox was a close friend of Valentino and even though he's done stuff a lover would do he wasn't sure if Valentino and him were lovers.
"I don't know Al. How do you do it." Alastor took a sip from his glass.
"Well Vox, I mean if you love him so much let him know. If you keep it in it'll get worse. Vox looked at Alastor.
He paced the floor till someone stepped into the room. It was Angel and Lucifer.
"Well I'll be dammed. Never thought I'd see the day you two would get along." Then Alastor chuckled, while the two other demons just smiled. Forgetting that Vox was there Alastor focused his attention back on him.  He felt bad for Vox and decided to give him advise.
"If you'll excuse me my darlings I must be off. Vox let's take a stroll." The other two demons looked at Alastor and Vox followed behind.
"Do you have to go already?" Alastor kisses them both.
"My dears I'm afraid I'll have to." Then he took Vox and went.
As they were walking,Valentino was sitting alone in the parlor, while everyone else was talking or dancing. Then Vox noticed looked at him with longing eyes, but looked away when Valentino saw him. Meanwhile Alastor had a plan. He smiled mischievously and took Vox's hand
"Come dance with me darling." Then Alastor started to dance with Vox, spinning him and swinging.
Vox saw what made Alastor love the radio and why he had different views on technology. He saw how lively Alastor was when the music was jazzy or in a 1920's swing, but he also enjoyed the other kinds of music. Soon the music changed and Alastor was drained from dancing and took a seat.
"My now i know why you have different views on technology." Alastor smiled and chuckled. Vox was so happy Alastor was his friend.
Valentino's POV
What the hell. That radio demon is he trying to get killed? I was jealous not to lie. I loved Vox and I just wanted to cuddle him and kiss him, but he looks like he's happy with..... what was his name. Alastor I think. Well no matter I'll ask Vox later tonight and maybe we'll have some fun~.
It was the evening and Valentino was in the parlor reading. While reading he heard footsteps enter the room.
"Hey Val." Valentino looked up to see Vox.
"Oh hey Vox." Vox blushes a little before sitting next to Valentino. Valentino saw this and faintly blushes himself.
"So Vox do you have a crush on anyone?"  Vox looked down and blushed deeply.
"I do actually he's really great." Valentino foxes a smile and looked at Vox.
"Well I mean Alastor Is very classy and great who wouldn't want him." Vox looked at Valentino in confusion.
"Why are you talking about Alastor?" Valentino looked at Vox.
" I mean you like him don't you?"  Vox then hugged and cuddled into Valentino.
"I don't like Alastors dummy! I love you!"  Vox then blushed deeply and covered his mouth.
" you like me?"  Vox nodded and Valentino was so happy at this moment.
  Next Valentino took Vox into his arms and kissed him. Then he carried Vox up to their room and pinned him on the bed.
"Vox I love you." Vox started to tear up and Valentino kissed away his tears. Soon after both demons fell asleep hugging each other.


"H-hey don't do that!"  Lucifer then hit Alastors sweet spot.
"M-mm Lucifer~" Alastor then started to purr.
"Lucifer stop, My ears are sensitive!"  Lucifer just kept going. Then Angel walked in and smirked.
"Angel please tell Lucifer to stop touching my ears."  Angel then did as Alastor asked and soon all of them went to sleep.

It was morning and Alastor was sipping his tea while in thought. Then he was interrupted by a demon.
"Good morning Al!" Alastor looked up and saw Angel.
"Why good morning my dear. Care to join me." Angel nodded and took a seat. Soon after they started to go into a deep conversations and talked for what seemed like hours. Until the door opened and two demons entered the room.
Alastor saw Vox and Valentino, but they were holding hands. Soon Alastor knee what had happened and got up to hug Vox.
"So I assume you two are a thing?" Both demons looked at each other and nodded.
"How about you and Angel." Vox asked. Alastor looked at Angel adoring his eyes and fluffiness.
"Well I would consider us a thing, but I do have to take into account that Lucifer is there too." Vox looked at Alastor surprised.
"Wait you, Angel and Lucifer are a thing?!" Alastor looked at Vox and gave him a look of "not now"

"We'll see soon Vox......"

Stay tuned.......

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