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"Love, wake up." A voice said from the distance.
"Angel, darling please wake up." Angel heard the voice again and grunted signaling the voice.
"Mmm,Al?" Alastor helped Angel up as he was still a bit sleepy. He carried Angel up to his room and laid him down on the bed.
"Oh angel, what am I going to do with you." Alastor said as he was chuckling to himself.
Later in the day Angel had woken up. He looked around the room, until he spotted a ball of red. It was Alastor.
"He must've fallen asleep." Angel said then he got up and walked towards the deer. He cuddled next to Alastor. As he was cuddling the deer he heard a purring sound coming from Alastor. Angel blushed a violent red and started to pet Alastors ears. Alastor kept purring, until he grunted. Angel stopped and Alastor opened his eyes to see Angel cuddling next to him.
"Ah I see your awake my dear." Angel nodded and nuzzled into Alastors neck. Alastor looked at Angel with longing eyes.
Then after staring for so long both demons got up and headed down stairs. When they got there, they were greeted by Charlie and Vaggie. They soon got to the living area since they had no work due to the holidays. Even so everyone was with their loved ones.
"Angel, what do you want for Christmas?" There was silence until Angel spoke up.
"Well I kinda want someone instead of something." Alastors ears perked up twitching.
"And who would that be darling?" Alastor said with a hint of curiosity in his voice.
"Well he's tall and handsome with a very deep radio voice." Angel began to lean into Alastors almost whispering in his ear. Alastor blushed a crimson red and looked away.
"W-who might that be my d-dear?" Alastor said stuttering in his sentence.
"You" Angel then bit softly into Alastors neck giving him a love bite. Alastor moaned at the sudden action, while Angel kisses the spot he bit.
"Al,your mine and mine alone." Alastor nodded giving Angel a kiss. They kissed for hours on end. It was a heated kiss and nothing or no one could break them apart.
After all that Alastor picked up Angel and spun him around the room.

"You're the best present I could've asked for."

"You are too my dear, you are too."

Stay tuned.....

Merry Christmas my darlings I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you have a very merry Christmas. Thank you darlings for reading my fanfic and voting on it. It means a lot. Till next time, by darlings~

It's showtime (Alastor x angel) radiodustWhere stories live. Discover now