Living or dead?

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Just when you think everything is fine and everyone is happy. There has to be a bit of mischief and that's what Lucifer thought as he had the idea to do the unimaginable.
  Lucifer raced down the hall way in search for Alastor, Vox and well penthouse or whatever his name is (Pentious). He found the three in the parlor chatting and barged in.
  "Sorry to interrupt boys, but I need you for something." Lucifer said in a stern but lively way.
  The three nodded and followed the former Angel. As they were walking Lucifer seemed to be having flashbacks of when he was banished.
"Dammit Lucius." He mumbled.
   Just as the others were about to ask they arrived. It was a room that was huge. The walls were a burgundy color and had a big pentagram spread across the room. It was made out of black chalk and someone was still drawing on it.  It was a little demon. He was read black and white with horns as big as it.
  "Boys meet blitz." Lucifer said and as so blitz then turned around and smiled. His smiled drop when he saw Alastor.
  "So you're the one stolas has been talking about. My what a feller." Blitz said while looking up and down at Alastor.
   Alastor felt a bit flattered that this Stolas spoke of him. He's never met him and doesn't know how he speak of him. Maybe theough angel perhaps?
  "Ahem well blitz would you mind opening the portal." Lucifer nudged him.
Blitz nodded and got to it. He said an ancient spell that only one demon knows and that's Lucifer. Blitz finished  the spell and the portal open.
   " well boys it time to go to the past." The king said.
  The three just looked at each other and were about to protest until they were pushed into the portal. Then Lucifer himself jumped in.
  "Ta ta blitz" he said and they were off. 
  Then the portal closed and blitz was to look after it and Lucifers daughter. He figured to look around for his friend Angel dust.
  A couple of twist and turns he found his way downstairs and upon arriving there was Angel sitting comfortably.
The four demons landed in a field. Alastor got up and shook off the burrs stuck to him.
  "My now why would you put us in a field Lucifer." The deer said as he was still shaking off the burrs.
  Suddenly Alastor looked at his hands. They weren't red and black they were an apricot color. He knew instantly that they were humans and he knew where they were.

"Georgia, home sweet home..."

Stay tuned.........

Hello darlings it's me~
This is the end of  its showtime I hoped you loved it and enjoyed it. It took time to write it and fill it with such comedy and drama. However, this is not the end I'll be creating a squeal called  The Four Fates.
  This continues the chapter for the living or dead.  It tells the tales of the four demons and how their fates takes them to the damned, but also how they're accompanied by the others.
Till next time bye darlings.

Hey so this is kinda of a ps. But maybe I'll continue the book a bit with 6 more chapters of side stories or shout outs. What do you think?

Also another ps Appleberry Au coming soon.

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It's showtime (Alastor x angel) radiodustWhere stories live. Discover now