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A Lucifer chapter.
In hell you could call it exterminating day, but for the Angels it was visiting day.
"Today's the day I see him." Lucifer said.
He knew today wasn't going to be good, but had to put on a smile and dress in his normal attire. He was about to go out till he was stopped by a certain demon. A white arachnid.
"Why hello Ang-." He was cut off by a kiss from Angel.
Lucifer was confused. Just yesterday Alastor got all flustered now this. He just stood there contemplating and confused. Then Alastor lifted his chin.
"Your confused aren't you my dear?" Lucifer nodded after he said that and was pulled into a warm embrace.
Alastor buries his head into Lucifers neck. Both demons were sharing a moment of love and soon Lucifer understood how Alastor felt about him. About Angel. He wanted them both, but couldn't just say it. Lucifer smiles at the action and pet his ears, while Angel was cuddled into his sides.
   "Well I hate to cut it short, but I have somewhere to be." After he said that Angel hugged him and waved bye. Alastor on the other hand pulled him outside to talk.
  "Did you tell him." Lucifer shook his head.
   "Al I didn't tell him about your scars I thought you might want to tell him." Alastor nodded in agreement. 
    "Oh there's on more thing I wanted to ask you." Alastor said. Lucifer looked at him in a 'yes' look.
     "Could I come with you?" Lucifer debated against it, but just gave up and nodded towards Alastor.
Alastor and Lucifer made there way to the place where heaven and hell met. There they saw demons and angels interacting with each other and being playful. They both smiled seeing as hell wasn't so much of torture just a punishment.
"Oh Luci~" Lucifer turned and there he was his friend that snitched in him a millennium ago.
"Hello Lucius." Lucifer said as he was gritting his teeth.
"You know you could come back and be and Angel with us. Basking in glory." He said cunningly looking at Lucifer.
"Damn you and your glory. I'd rather stay here than be a puppet." Lucius smiles and brought up an old memory.
"Look at you Luci so pure and innocent. That is until you turned against us." Lucifer winced at the memories. He didn't want to remember he wanted to forget.
The bell chimed and it was time to go. Lucius' wings sprouted. They were a glowing white while Lucifers wings were a shade of black and purple. It was concealing him from Lucius. Lucius noticed and just flew back to heaven.
"Dammit!" Lucifer slammed his fist into a nearby wall and started to tear up.
He wanted to cry and scream, but he couldn't. He was embraced by his love and wanted nothing more than that. He buries his face in Alastors chest wanting to cry, but Alastor lifted his chin and kissed him ever so passionately. Lucifers eyes went wide and melted into the touch of Alastor. He kissed back and soon both demons pulled apart breathing heavily.
"Darling I don't like it when you cry and you know that." Alastor said in a soft comforting voice.

"Al, what are we?"

Stay tuned........

Oh how the tables have turned. Looks like Lucifer is getting back into the relationship. Oh boy.
As always I hope you enjoyed this chapter  darlings~
Till next time bye darlings~ and stay tuned as Always

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