15 - Jihyo

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Jihyo POV

The three youngsters were sleeping so peacefully, I look around and damn do they looked so worn out and to make it worse we didn't properly beat the maknaes. This three kids are powerful and their coordination with each other is parallel to none, they can easily wipe out a whole battalion with themselves.

This fight opened my eyes in so many ways, we clearly have the advantage at the beginning but failed to utilize it and instead was used against us. Our number was greater than them, we could easily overwhelmed them if we're coordinated to the fullest. The maknaes can easily assess and judge who to attack first and what spell to use, they're pretty spot on in what spell to cast and they cast it so fast it was hard keeping up to them. If it wasn't to the fact that my clothes have defensive magic inscribe to it I would have suffered much worse fate that passing out, and to think that Dahyun forcefully took control of Sana's magic and used it as her own was pretty scary.

I'm currently watching the footage of the fight after I passed out, Tzuyu's magic control was so splendid and her aim was accurate its down right terrifying and Chaeyoung, to think that she can fight Jeongyeon in equal footing with physical combat is scary, Jeongyeon is the best hand-to-hand combat student here at our school and to think that she's much smaller than Jeongyeon. The Japanese girls fought Dahyun alone too, and to think that she was able to last that long with three people attacking her is crazy and she show good judgement when she took Sana's attack and use it as delivering blow, now I know why she didn't try to create a group last year, in terms of coordination, power and strength nobody could rival Tzuyu and Chaeyoung, they trust each other with their lives too.

I look at my side and saw Nayeon and Jeongyeon looking at me.

NY: they're crazy powerful.

JY: my body aches so much.

JH: its a good thing that they enrolled here. I can't see us winning against them in a serious competition.

1. Lisa, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu
2. Dahyun, Rośe and Joy
3. Momo, Sana and Mina
4. Jeongyeon, Jihyo and Jisoo
5. Nayeon, Moonbyul and Irene
We still need 2 more person on Magic research equipment, we only have Wendy, Jennie and Solar we need two more for it. If only Jeongyeon could take care of her equipment better.

JY: Says the person who lost her defensive badge!

NY: hey! It's not my fault!

JY: its your fault! I told you to put it in the box so it wouldn't be misplaced. But clearly you have other idea where to put it.

JH: oh for the love of God! Stop arguing would you? And you'll wake up everyone with your shouting!

I look around and saw almost everybody awake and looking at us.

Jennie: Jihyo, out of you three, you have the loudest voice.

JH: hey, no fair.

I notice Chaeyoung still sleeping while Tzuyu's hugging her protectively while sleeping too, aren't they cute? I look around and notice Dahyun is stirring in her sleep, she opened her eyes slowly and sat up, looking at her surrounding confused, when she realize whats going on she look at me and smiled. I smiled at her and nodded.

JH: Dahyun, you three live with each other right? Tell them to come at school tomorrow early, we will discuss the bet Tomorrow.

DH: yes unnie.

I look at everyone again and told them to get plenty of rest. Dahyun ask me if she can leave now with Chaeyoung and Tzuyu, we all look at her confused because the two is still sleeping, she told us its ok she can manage and I gave her an OK sign and she smiled at thanked me.

Dahyun walk towards the still sleeping maknaes, she got up on bed and looked at us and bid us goodbye.

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