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[I don't know anything about fighting so I need to research about it and I just realize that I'm very bad at it. I'm sorry in advance]

No one's POV

As the students are settling down, Jeongyeon went up at the middle of the speed test field. Summoning two stick atleast a meter long with 3kls weight per stick she took her fighting stance. Chaeyoung, Tzuyu and Lisa whose first time seeing Jeongyeon with her weapon are curiously looking at her.

Jeongyeon is using the lost art of the Philippines, Arnis. It was believed that by using this technique the movement of your weapon cound reach 250km per hour. Arnis has a three type: first is espada y daga or sword and dagger, second is solo baston or single stick and lastly sinawali or two stick which Jeongyeon is currently using now.

Speed test is the most feared test for all of the students, it was the only test that required direct contact and could cause harm if not careful. The test would be 5mins long, a magic bullet would be shot on different directions, different speed and with different nature of magic. Speed test doest only test your physical speed, but also test your perception, mentality and magic.

For 5mins magic bullets will be shot at you while you try to defend, theres a bullet so fast naked eyes wouldn't able to follow its movements, a bullet so slow it would take seconds for it to reach you, a bullet that changes directions and a bullet that changes speed. Jeongyeon currently holds the record with two hundred and fifty seven bullets destroyed for 5mins.

As Jeongyeon took her fighting stance, an aura with a diameter of 3 meters at her in the center appeared, every bullet that passes shall be detected and at the same time analyzed its speed and type of magic with this Jeongyeon was able to beat her past record with two hundred and sixty four bullets destroyed.

After Jeongyeon the others soon followed. Nayeon with 53, they needed to stop when she got hit with ice magic and was immobilized for a few seconds. Moonbyul with 165, Irene with 167, Jihyo with 142, Jisoo with 147, Momo with 171, Sana with 197 she accidentally tripped and fell face first on the ground so they needed to stop to when she still have 48 seconds, Mina who somehow looked like dancing while using her sword got 233, Dahyun with 204, Rosé with 143, Joy with 152, Lisa with 193, Tzuyu with 191 and Chaeyoung with 248. With these the speed test came to close and next is power/strength test which by the way wasn't much necessary because power strength is much like testing the inherent power of a person.

Accuracy and speed test are much more given attention, inherent power or inherent talent are measured first when a magician would start training, more or less at the age of 5, some have higher some have lower, none have saw someone born with lower inherent power who overcame someone with higher inherent power in strength test. With the fact that three of the new students are from royal bloodline doesn't really excite the students as they know for a fact that royal bloods are in other level, so they focus more on Dahyun and the Japanese girls as this was the first time they'll be able to watch them.

As the others are busy, Chaeyoung approaches Jeongyeon and ask her if she could take a look at her weapon. Jeongyeon explains that nobody would be able to use it for it only responds to her magic energy. Magic energy are different from each person they are much more like finger prints on earlier years. Jeongyeon ask if Chaeyoung want to do a mock battle with her, which Chaeyoung gladly accepted.

As both of them approaches the battle arena, the students present wasn't able to hide the excitement written on their faces. Jeongyeon summons her weapon and formed a stance immediately while Chaeyoung summons her two dagger. Jeongyeon created a new fighting style by mixing Arnis and Kendo, her two sticks was crafted by a master artisan. With arnis speed and weapon disarming techniques and kendo's precise strike, Jeongyeon created a terrifying technique.

On the other hand Chaeyoung used two daggers as her weapon, unable to hide her excitment she immediately took her fighting stance, the two dueled it out until one of them are exhausted, while the others whose first time seeing Chaeyoung use double daggers are stunned Tzuyu and Dahyun explained to them the technique Chaeyoung is using.

Systema, a Russian martial art. Tzuyu explains that Chaeyoung's great great great grandfather is a ex-russian armed force before the fall and he taught his children and his children taught their children which later on was passed down for generations. Systema is a hand to hand combat that has versatile tactics that were at the same time practical, deadly and effective against any type of enemy under any circumstances. What's more is that systema's adaptation to any circumstances are great for resolving any issues and conflicts.

The practitioners of systema are free of tension, filled with endurance, flexibility, effortless movements and explosive potential. It was a deadly combination, with two daggers at hand and fast movements of her feet Jeongyeon's having a hard time coping up with her, Chaeyoung's movement are precise every move she make forces Jeongyeon on defensive state. Striking each other with such intensity, both of their weapons flew out of their hands which made them jump backwards away from each other. With both acknowledging each other's combat capabilities, they smiled and walk out of the ring.

After the two's mock battle, Moonbyul ask Lisa if she wanted to try it too which Lisa agreed. Moonbyul weapon is spear while Lisa uses Gauntlet. As the two begins to fight, Chaeyoung started talking and told them that Lisa is a Muay Thai practitioner. Muay Thai, the art of eight limbs, it combined and and utilizes a beautiful symphony of kicks, punches, elbow, knees and shins with fluidity and grace. With Moonbyul's weapon people taught that Lisa is at disadvantage, but Muay Thai is very effective for self defense and for hundreds of years practitioners of Muay Thai keeps on refining the art to be as fast, efficient and powerful as it can be.

As the two fight, Jennie was cheering Lisa shouting "go babe!" Over and over again and Solar doing the same thing making the others laugh at their silliness. Lisa was able to knock Moonbyul's weapon, she immediately rushed and was about to deliver a kick when she noticed Moonbyul's smile. Little did she know, Moonbyul knows Karate, delivering each other powerful kicks the two where thrown out.

Lisa and Moonbyul soon joined the group and while everybody's busy discussing a man suddenly approached them and ask if he could have a mock battle with Tzuyu.

Tzuyu being a nice person, agreed immediately. Ran Haeul, fifth year student, one of the best fighter of Shrek Academy. An axe in right hand and shield at left hand, he was well balanced in offense and defense. Tzuyu decided to use her sword, bowing at each other the mock battle begins.

Ran Haeul ran towards Tzuyu, with fire magic at his axe and reinforcement magic at his shield. He ran straight to Tzuyu aiming to knock her down, Tzuyu side step to his right and tried to kick his feet, already knowing what move Tzuyu will do next Ran Haeul aimed the axe at Tzuyu's head stopping her kick to connect at his feet and forcing Tzuyu to clash with him. After five minutes of clashing, Tzuyu's movement became duller and duller. Grinning, Ran Haeul simultaneously activated five magics, reinforcing his axe with magic, a malicious aura leaked from his body. He was ready to kill Tzuyu and she was in no condition to fight back or to defend herself. Slowly the axe came closer and closer and a loud bang was heard!

The students was shocked, Lisa was carrying Tzuyu away from Ran Haeul axe while Chaeyoung blocked him and Dahyun was pining a student at the ground. Chaeyoung's eyes are void from emotion, no anger, no hate no nothing, just pure darkness. Ran Haeul laughter echoed throughout the area, it was sinister. Jihyo as a their president tried to approach the two but was stop when she heard Chaeyoung's firm "No".

"Why?" Chaeyoung ask the man.

He laughed and said "kill her"

Chaeyoung ask again "what did you do to Tzuyu?"

He just laughed and laughed which infuriated Chaeyoung, she rush at him and kick his guts used shadow movement to move behind his back and kick him again. After getting kick, he stand up and laughed again. Some part of his skins are missing and instead of red blood, his is white but what shocked them more is when he pulled his skin off and revealed a crystal like glow.

"Your world shall be ours. Fighting is futile, you all will die." After saying those he and the one Dahyun's pining suddenly vanished.

[There's actually a version of this wherethe fight was detailed but I decided against it because when I read it, I noticed that it was very annoying. Lol]

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