16 - Fight!

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Dahyun's POV

I told the unnies goodbye, slowly even my breathing and used dimensional gate. We ended up at my room Tzu and Chaeng are still sleeping peacefully if I may say. I bid goodbye first because I received a message earlier from the MH-K (Monster Hunter-Korean branch) summoning us, I need to wake this two up but they look so cute cuddling with each other. The organization can wait, I'm gonna sleep with them.


I woke up alone, the two must be cooking already considering its already dark outside. I still haven't told them what Jihyo unnie told me earlier about the bet.

TY: chaeng wake Dubu unnie now I'm almost done.

CY: ok

I heard the two talking so I made my presence known, the two look at me and smile telling me to sit now cause we're about to eat. I informed the two about the message earlier from the organization and they simply nodded. I also told them that we needed to go to school early tomorrow Jihyo unnies order.

After eating we clean up our mess and decided to talk, we headed at our secret lair, its safer for us to talk here because this room is protected with magic interference, no outside party could eavesdrop to our conversation. MH-K is subjugating monsters at the shadow to prevent mass panic, the monsters are classified by level D, C, B, A, S, SS, and SSS, the organization detected a abnormal monster, the report says that it was able to control weaker monster and strengthen them, we need to destroy the monster hive before they can gather enough strength to cause damage to human civilization, that was our job, to annihilate monsters trying to harm humans.

The battle this time would be messy, the monster leading the them is clearly a intelligent type monster, we have a few days to prepare and I think we woud be needing our familiars this time. The thing about us three is that we don't work with anyone else beside ourselves and nobody in the organization knows who we really are and our faces are always hiden behind a mask. We always use mask whenever we needed to attend meetings and even when doing our missions, only the organization's president knows who we really are but he didn't know what we look like.

Monsters still walks the earth but they are more controlled now not like in the past when they suddenly appeared and almost annihilate mankind. Monsters mostly live in forest where the strongest monster rules the smaller and weaker monsters. But sometimes monster wonders near human civilization and thats where the Hunter association enters, exterminating monsters and to gathering raw materials from them. Materials that come from monsters are valuable, the stronger the monster the more valuable the materials and the more valuable the materials the stronger the weapon/armors.

We need to plan with the president we need extra resources, we need to plant traps, build extra defenses and strengthen the barriers. We need to talk to Jihyo unnie first then head out for our mission. We bid goodbye with each other and head to our own rooms.


We three are headed to Jihyo unnies office ready to receive the punishment for losing to them, as we enter the room there are a lot of people inside. We bowed to them and Jihyo unnie ask us to sit at the vacant couch so we could start discussing what we needed to discuss.

Jihyo unnie wants us to participate in Continental magic master tournament, she wants us to represent our school for battle mania-beginner level, the tournament have 2 parts beginner and senior level. Beginner level are for 1st years and 2nd years, senior level are 3rd years and above but the competitions are the same and theres battle royal.

Jihyo unnie also informed us that we needed to be at school at saturday, they needed to measure our abilities so they know which team should we be put at battle royal. I look at two, we needed to subjugate the monster hive at Thursday and base on our calculations it would take us atleast whole day to finish our mission, we only have a little time to rest and replenish our magic. We agreed on what Jihyo unnie said and told her we needed to go.

We need to inform the school heads of our rendezvous for the next three days, we need to leave immediately and head home to pick up our gear and head to our office. After asking permission to the school heads we immediately leave school grounds.

No one's POV

Three days have passed and the school's goddesses are looking for the maknaes but couldn't find them, they first notice that the three are gone when lunch came and still no sign of the three at school.

Meanwhile at the maknaes

After the three gathered everything they need, they head straight to the location where the hive was located, it was 50 miles aways from the city. They spend hours planting magic traps around the area while the other hunters strengthening the barriers at the city and checking the city's defensive system, the hunters are spread out across the country's borders, Thursday soon came, Chaeyoung made the first move, breaking the hive that surrounding the monsters and soon a cocoon of magic power were revealed, Dahchaengtzu summoned there familiars and enters the magic field for battle

Familiars are contractual beast obtained when you enter the realm of spirits. When a mage was ready he/she would enter the realm of spirit and obtain a spirit beast seed which he/she will nurture, the familiar grow with his/her master and the familiars appearance and nature will depend on the master too. The average age for a magician to be ready to have a familiar is 10 by then your magic is enough to nourish your familiar and the stronger the person's magic the stronger the familiar. Having a familiar without proper magic causes a lot of burden to the master, a familiar not throughly feed while still young tend to devour his/her master, it takes 3 years for a familiar to not need its masters magic and to develop the connection needed between the master and familiar and another 3years to fully develop, the familiars strength greatly depends on its masters powers.

As the three enters monsters are immediately given a command to kill the intruders while the leader will march to the capital. Thousands of strengthen monsters and a thousand more following the leader ready to kill and be killed. Tzuyu made the first attack, arrow pointed at the monster leader, aimed and fired.

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