19 - flashback

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Jihyo's POV

I watch as Chaeyoung approaches the two and out of nowhere I remembered the book I accidentally found and read at grandpa's library, it was written by someone from the past, the story of the royal crown, the legend of the twelve pillars and the prophecy of the Thirteenth.

Let me take you to the time where it all began. The time where the lives of several people intertwined even before they knew it. The time when the red string of faith started to roll itself. The time destiny's cruel plan took shape.

A hundred years ago, when the world was thrown into chaos at the sudden appearance of monsters, 27 humans, with different race, color and culture dedicated their lives on finding a weapons capable of eliminating said threats but all failed. A bomb powerful enough to kill a hord of monsters would cause too much alteration on terrain that it would become a wasteland. A gun would pierce monster skin but not enough to kill and some monsters have skin so strong Bullets won't even leave a scratch. They tried every technologythey could think off, but came up of nothing. One by one they started to give up, some killed themselves and their families and called it salvation, some lost their sanity and some silently went home praying that they have enough time to spend with their love one's, but some still tried.

One day, a certain ore was found on a destroyed museum of the past, it contains incomparable amount of energy despite its small size. Having the idea on what to do, they broke the ore to pieces and fuse it with different weapons. The first piece was fused with a katana, the ore gave it a purple glow, one of the humans used it to slash on a monster boar which easily penetrate its hide but the backlash of the weapon to its wielder was so great that the human wasn't able to move for a few days. After testing one of the weapon they created, they realize that a weapon this powerful won't be any use to normal human. Struck with the truth, some of them laughed with tears in their eyes and some cursed on the gods they believed to.

As days pass slowly, one of the humans who created the weapons suddenly pop the question "where do monsters came from? Why is the ore so high in energy? With all of this unnatural phenomenons happening, does that mean gods and demons are true too?" They all froze after hearing the question and then came an awkward laughter, with a small voice she ask "your joking right?" They all chuckled nervously, but you could see in their eyes a little light of hope. Hoping that the gods are true they studied some legends and stories depicting them.

As days pass by, little by little a progress are made. Slowly, days turns to weeks and weeks turns to months, piecing everything they know they begun to draw some conclusions and one day the final piece was put in the puzzle, the humans rejoiced for they all believed that everything will go according to plan, but the world is playing with them. As the sun, moon and earth aligns, twelve weapons was stab on the ground: Spear, Bow and Arrow, Hammer, Lance, Twin dagger, Rapier ,Katana, Halberd, Mace, Ax, Gauntlet and Long sword.

A line was formed connecting each weapon, thats when all went downhill. The earth was shaking as if something big and powerful is trying to break free, the force was so strong that everything was breaking, until it died down. A laughter soon was heard followed by two figure suddenly appearing at the middle, one was a figure of light kneeling, a lance at hand with a sword at his chest and a black figure impaled with lance while holding a sword. The figure of light look at the human with pleading eyes and said "power shall be yours, wield your weapons and take back whats yours but be aware everything comes with a price" and the light expanded creating a little explosion, the humans was thrown to the ground none of them was able hear the last world of the figure in black "The Thirteenth crown". When they wake up they immediately noticed something different with their bodies, it was like they are overflowing with energy they can't describe. One one them tried to wield a weapon and to everyone's surprise it was like she was born to use it with no drawbacks. When every weapon was pick up, they notice a Scythe in the middle, yet none of them dared to touch it.

As the humans in possession of the weapons fought they notice stones dropping on the monsters body everytime they got killed. Noticing the same energy pattern it was giving off, they created armor from it. A few months after they started claiming some lands, changes in human beings around the world also happened, some where frightened and some gladly accepted the change. Slowly the first humans who obtained powers from the unknown organized other humans too, they taught them how to properly use the energy inside them which later on was called "magic/mana" and how to make weapons and armors from the ores and hides of the monsters.

Later on, they where able to take back enough land for them to continue to live on, the twelve humans was given the title "The twelve pillars" and "royal blood" for when they releases their magic a crown shall form around their heads. A few years later, the twelve pillars notice the disparity from their children's magic, every household, only single child would hold magic comparable to them and only a single child was able to wield the weapons they carried. From then on, the great weapons from the age of old was passed down from generation to generation.

When Jihyo finished reading the book and was about to close it a piece of paper suddenly fell down. It was a paper she wish she didn't saw and words she didn't read. It was the prophecy of the Thirteenth, the paper was dated 23 years before the passing of the author of the book, the first death of the twelve pillars.

The one who holds the crown
Shall pay the price for everyone
Boundless strength she holds
Give rise to countless foes

As the world turns dim
Single ray shall beam
An oath shall broke
As a person lays cold

A choice she holds
Decides the path of the world
To raze or build
The monarch shall opt

Snapping from her thinking, Jihyo immediately announced that the students present are not allowed to talk about what happened. She immediately issued that all shall comply and that those who will not follow shall incur the wrath of god Jihyo.

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