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Marilla shouted for the third time as i finished tying the end of my braids, too busy intertwining the auburn strands of hair to respond for a second.

"I'm coming!"

The foundation looked blotchy, the hair was an utter mess and my white shirt had a slight stain of paint on the bottom. 'What a good look for a first day', I thought, getting my bag and trying to blend the makeup with my hands as i went downstairs — it looked definitely better, though some freckles were still showing.

"Anne, you'll be late if you..." Marilla looked at me and inspected my face "What have you done to your face? Did you put makeup on?"

"Does it look that awful? Oh, I don't have the time to fix it!"

"That's ridiculous Anne, I don't think it's important to put makeup on for school, I think it's unnecessary vanity and you know it, but you look just fine. Now have some breakfast and off you go!"

I smiled, Marilla was never a big fan of getting dressed up, and although she knew that I loved it, I think she just didn't understand why I had to be so dressed up to my first day as a junior in High School — After all, It'd be the same people, just a new year.

"I'm so excited, Marilla! First days always make me nervous, you know." They did indeed, for a long time I had no faith in first days, but since moving to Green Gables they sprouted new meaning to me "Even if things are not so different from last year, it's still a fresh start!"

Marilla chuckled and served me toast and coffee, shaking her head lightly as if she didn't comprehend my optimism despite admiring it. I ate my breakfast as quickly as I could, and ran off to school.

Walking through the woods had always been quite magical, since day one, although some parts of it would bring quite upsetting memories, most of it would only fill me with ideas and storms of tales.

From tree to tree, path to path, I soon enough got to the dearest Avonlea Secondary School. It wasn't as humongous and extravagant as the old private academies in the mainland or as modern as Charlotte Town's Central High, but it was almost as old as Canada itself — the school was a hundred years old! — and it's antique architecture inspired the most flourished romances and adventurous chronicles in my imagination.

As I got closer, I rushed to the foyer, throwing myself at Diana's arms, who I hadn't seen all summer due to the fact that she had gone to England with her parents on holidays.

"Diana! Oh my dearest, darling friend, the one and only heir of the Lake of shining waters!"

"How I missed you, Anne of Green Gables, princess of the white way of delight!"

Me and Diana have known each other since mid eighth grade, a time where we'd make up romantical names and even more romantical stories. It had become, more than an inside joke, a tradition, for us to greet each other after a long time as if we were old-old-royalty.

"Diana, I'm ever so excited! The summer was far too long, far too generous in time! It's been so long since I saw you, or Ruby, or Moody, and Josie, and Charlie, and..."

Diana laughed hysterically, hugging me again, I stopped talking, getting really confused but hugging her nevertheless.

"What, are you laughing at?"

"I was starting to get used to your endless talking, but I like to hear it much better than not to."

I smiled very widely, and my eyes glistened even more at the sight of Ruby and Josie. I hugged them sincerely, though Ruby was much more enthusiastic about it.

More and more friends arrived and in a couple of minutes I was out of energy to hug and smile and even speak, which was unusual of me. When most of us were finally reunited in the foyer, my heart couldn't slow down, it was racing with raw excitement. The bell rang, and as soon as it did, people started to quickly look for people with similar schedules.

"Anyone has geometry now?" Moody spurted.

"History? Twentieth Century History with Mr. Raymonds?" Josie Pye shouted

"Would anyone happen to have english first period?" Diana said calmly as ever. To my delight, I in fact had english first period.

"I do! Mr. Stacey right?"

Diana smiled and grabbed my hand, we shouted a 'See you' to our friends and ran off to class.

okay people! as for clarifications, most the songs that I'll put for you people to hear while reading the chapters will be classic rock (I'll include some indie-ish stuff and folk too, but less) or something similar because well, it's my favorite genre and I can just think about more songs in that spectrum lol.

did you like this chapter? please let me know
e v e r y t h i n g
that you think, I won't be upset with criticism or anything, it'd actually be much appreciated :)

hope you like this and the next one, love ya xx

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