ursa major

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The bell rings and I run off to meet Diana. I walk fast past the "Hey!" from Gilbert and straight to the foyer.

"Anne! How was photography with Gilbert?" Diana stretched the 'Gil' in Gilbert, and I just rolled my eyes in protest.

"Photography was nice, I did not talk to Gilbert for a single second in class, I was too busy. It's not like it matters, I've gotten used not talking to him anyway."

"I think you're bitter because he left!"

"Am not! I'm just still getting used to the fact that he's back. He changed a little, I just have to adjust to that."

"For better or for worse?"

"What now?"

"The change, you said he changed. Was it for better or worse?"

"I don't know, and it doesn't matter. Now, where do we want to eat?"

"I'm going to ignore the fact that you really want to change the subject and I say we go for coffee."

"That's a go for me!"

We walked out of school to the nearest cafe, it was called Little Vic and it was inspired by the western coast of Canada, it included a lot of overpriced hipster drinks and lovely waffles. I ordered an iced chai latte and Diana had a very, very expensive salted caramel latte. We shared butter waffles and sat on at the window, it was almost magical, like a separate little universe. I absolutely loved it.

"So... who were you paired in English with?"

"Oh, some guy named Finn. He's really cute but awfully quiet."

"Ooh! I see... so, to honor Minnie May..."

"Please don't."

"Oh, I will."


"Diana and Finn, sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marriage—"

"Then no babies in any carriages."

I laughed loudly, maybe too loudly for a public place, but I was having a good time regardless. My drink was amazing! It was of course a white people's version of a probably fantastic drink, but I could feel the swirling cinnamon and creamy milk all over my tastebuds anyway. The waffles were fantastic as well, I couldn't get over them.

Unfortunately, nothing good ever lasts and soon I was slurping the last bits of chai and Diana was scraping butter off the knife onto some crumbs.

"The Bell's about to ring anyway, we should get going."

I grunted in response, muttering any sort of nonsense about not needing pre-calculus in my life and how we should do as Emma Stone and drop out of school to launch our careers. Diana obviously laughed it off and proceeded to make her own speech about how she was the one dreading to go to P.E., and whereas I was just whiny, she had a point because P.E. after lunch was just way more than anyone could handle. This time, I was the one laughing it off.

"I'm just saying, how am I supposed to have a productive P.E. class after I just had amazing butter waffles? Am I supposed to be able to run after that?"

The rest of the day went by fast. I had pre calculus after lunch and marine biology as my last period, which was actually pretty fun. The ocean is as interesting as it sounds and more fascinating that anyone could ever imagine!

In pre calculus though, the lack of interest offered me so much scope for the imagination that my thoughts started wandering off to photography class, all the amazing pictures I could take, all the stories I could share with one single image, all the narratives I could construct with a simple roll of film.

And of course, how much could I practice to make them better than Gilbert's.

alrighty! this was a short one, i just really felt like writing a diana and anne chapter! more chapters i'm on break now so soon enough i'll be posting chapters non-stop (not that it wasn't what i had been doing hehe but you get it)
see ya xx

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