ursa major

545 17 4

The day was over and just like Diana had predicted, Josie Pye came to talk to all of us, and just like she had said, invite us to the party.

"Hi losers."

"Oh hi Josie. You're friends with all us losers, don't forget that." Moody started

"Yup, you came up to talk to us." Gilbert complemented.

"I'm aware of that. So, I just wanted to invite you to my party. Tomorrow, my place, come at seven or something and I don't know, fill up the place. Bye losers."

Josie was a difficult soul, she was very mean and if you weren't used to it, probably would think she's an evil queen bee. She was lovely. Well, when you caved deep (and I mean very deep) down under all the insults and understatements, she was lovely.

"Bye loser!" I screamed at her.

"Screw you Anne, see you tomorrow, love y'all."

A couple seconds later, Josie was off and we were heavenly excited for the next day.

"Oh hell yes, this is going to be so much fun!" Moody spurted.

"You betcha!" Diana said.

"And Gil, for all the time you've been gone" Moody said, Grabbing Gilbert's shoulders "You're gonna drown! Up! In! Beer!" Moody extended the word 'beer' for a couple of seconds and everyone went crazy.

As for myself, it all started getting a little bit hazy, I wasn't too sure of what people were saying, I just knew it was a bit too loud. This whole party situation has gotten me a bit panicky, I had never been to one. One of the things I used to do in the orphanage was dream about High School Musical parties and slow dances, but actually getting one was too close to reality.

"Anne, you okay?" I heard someone say, I think it was Gilbert, but it could be anyone, really.

"Uh-huh, great."

"You're sure?"

"Yeah, totally."

"Hey. Anne." That was Diana, definitely.


"Let's go home."


I felt Diana's hand grab my shoulders and walk me into the woods. She, at some point sat me down on top of a log and hugged me tight. I couldn't distinguish the what tightness was brought by my heart aching and what was just Diana's embrace. The tears flowed warm down my cheeks, pulling my makeup out, creating roughly painted streaks of hurt and pain on my face.

My head was light and dizzy, it was like all my stored thoughts, recorded quotes, carefully organized shelves of words were being brought down by an ocean of confusion and haze. A flood inside my head in which I couldn't navigate.

"It's okay, Anne. It really is. It might not feel like that now, but I promise you it'll be fine."

I just shook my head and said okay a couple of times. We sat there, together in the quietness and slowly, I started smelling the fresh smell of grass and and feeling the breeze. The sweet smelling flowers complemented the grass scent and minute by minute, things really started to be okay.

"I love you." I whispered

"I love you too." Diana answered.

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