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After the disastrous incident of the race to the library, Gilbert helped me to get to photography class, which was probably more horrifying than my complete embarrassment on the stairs. As soon as Gilbert opened the door to the Photo Studio, all the eyes of the class turned to me, including Gabriel's.

"Mrs. Cuthbert, care to explain why is Mr. Blythe carrying you?"

"I-I stairs fell the down!" The class laughed quietly "I m-mean, no! I fell! Stairs. I fell down the stairs."

"Are you okay, do you need to go home?"

"N-no! I'm good!" I forced a smile and whispered to Gilbert "Put me on my seat. Now." which so he did.

"Good. Now that we're all present, seated and ready, this'll be our last theoretical class. Looking at these pictures I put on the board, which..."

While Mr. Porter was talking, a note slipped right in front of me.

Is that white guy your boyfriend?
— Gabs

Gabriel. His handwriting was thick, he wrote with a black coloring pencil, not a pen or even a regular pencil. He looked at me to see if I read it and I drew a small smile, starting to write him back

No, just a friend, name's Gilbert.
— Anne

Ok, good. He seems cool.
— Gabs

He is. Why's that good?
— Anne

Mr. Porter will notice the notes, talk to you later
— Gabs

I looked at him and rolled my eyes, he smiled too and started looking at Mr. Porter. I did too. I had a feeling about those notes, rereading them from time to time. Why did he say "good"? I get the boyfriend question, but the rest was just random and slightly confusing, he didn't answer me properly.

After a long period of Mr. Porter talking to us about Full Frame pictures, class was over. I started picking my stuff and putting them on my bag, when I looked to where Gabriel's seat, it was empty, so I figured he left, but when I turned to leave, there he was, in the wall just behind me.


"Hey Gabs." I got up on one feet, a bit nervous.

"Want to go get lunch with me?"

"Oh. Okay, sure, can't walk much though." He picked me up with an arm on my waist, placing my arm on his. I smiled, a feeling of having a heart that beat in my entire body rose up.

We walked outside the photography room, I noticed he was playing with his lip ring, his hair was covered with a beanie and he tapped his other hand on his leg on a rhythm.

"What song are you thinking of?"

"What? How did you know I was thinking of a song?"

"I noticed your hand tapping on a rhythm on your leg. You were either thinking of a specific song or you were making one up."

He chuckled and looked at me in a way that made my heart stop for a second. I knew that I had felt that before but his eyes had already placed the emerald drop of his iris' in my own.

"I was thinking about Golden. Harry Styles. Please don't make fun of me." He blushed slightly.

"I-I won't! I'm more of a rock and roll gal, but I actually like Harry Styles, dirty little secret, haha! Just kidding, there's nothing wrong with lining Harry Styles, that was a joke!" I laughed nervously, I couldn't make any sense, he must've thought I was a joke.

But he didn't. He laughed with me instead. He brushed his hand softly on my waist and looked up. Even his laugh sounded like it was in a different language, it sounded magical.

We walked to Little Vic and he sat me down on one of the couches, sitting beside me.

"So, what do you want? I'll get it for you."

"I can get it, thank you so much but I don't need help." I tried getting up but my feet still hurt.

"Okay, you'll get it, but can I help you get there?"

I tried taking one more step, but I couldn't so I just nodded. He walked me to the counter, where mugs topped one another and Junie, my favorite employee stood.

"Hey Anne, brought you boyfriend in today?"

"Oh I'm not—" Gabriel calmly started

"He's not my boyfriend! Junie, this is Gabs, he's in my photography class."

"Sure, so what does the non-couple want?"

"This independent lady will order hers and then you can ask me." He pulled me closer when saying 'this'.

"Okay..." Junie smiled "So, independent lady, what do you want?"

"I'll have a brownie and a black coffee, Junie."

"One or two sugars?"

"Two, please."

"So it's one coffee with two sugars and a brownie for Anne with an e. And for you, Gabs?"

He smiled, a white straight smile, beautiful and captivating "For me the cheese croissant and a black coffee too."

"That's alright, anything else for you not-a-couple?"

I rolled my eyes but Gabriel just laughed, and because I was so close to him, I could feel his ribs and belly moving, his breath dancing with happiness. "That's about it, thanks Junie." He said

"You're welcome, Gabs."

We sat down again and even before I could catch a breath he looks at me and goes "You're really pretty, you know?"

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