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Lisa's POV

I woke up this morning and looked at my phone, "Shit I overslept.." I realized it was already 9 AM so that meant I was late.. I needed to be at the studio at 9:30, but the good thing is I only live 15 minutes from there. I got up and quickly brushed my teeth, and put on very light makeup just to make me look alive. I changed my clothes, and made coffee for the ride there.

I parked and looked at the time, it was 9:29 so if I do say so myself, I made good time. I walked in the studio and everyone was just sitting there on their phones. We had a pretty easy day today, we just had to add a few more vocals to the song, and then we would get to hear the finished.

"So Lise, did you decide what you were going to do about Casey's party?" Kylie asked me.

"Oh, I was so rushed this morning I totally forgot about the party tonight.. I'm thinking about going. I just don't want to run into my ex there, because I know we have mutual friends." I chucked awkwardly.

"If she is there tonight, you know you'll have us, and Izzie there. Just ignore her, you don't need that back into your life. She is out of it for a reason, we all got your back!" Justin said, smiling.

"Exactly! Don't even worry about her, she's not worth your time at all. She's not even worth looking at. Just go and have fun with us!" Kylie said adding on.

"Yeah you guys are right. I just know if she sees me, she's going to try and make a scene. I'm just going to ignore her. Hopefully she doesn't end up going though. Oh, I better tell Izzie that I decided I'm going." I said remembering I was suppose to let Izzie know.

I pulled out my phone, and texted Izzie.

Lisa: Hey, so I decided I'm going to try and go to the party with you tonight..
Izzie: OMG yay!! I'm so glad you decided to go. I think it's going to be really fun! You want me to pick you up, or do you want to come to my house?
Lisa: I hope so.. I'll drive to your house! What time?
Izzie: 7:00 sound good?
Lisa: Yep. I'll be there.

A couple hours later, we were done at the studio and we got to hear the finished song. It sounded so good, and I can't wait until we get to put it out. Now it was just time for me to go home and just chill out until it was time to go to Izzies house.


It was now 6:00, and I have an hour until I need to be to Izzies. I decided to take off my light makeup, and redo it so I can actually look good. I put on some brown eyeshadow that made my eyes pop, added a little blush, and I couldn't decide if I wanted a nude lipstick or red. Maybe if I put on my outfit first, then I'll be able to tell which color to wear. I had two outfits to pick from, one that was more dressy, and one that was more on the causal side but still nice. I tried both of them on, and chose the more casual one. It was a nice pair of ripped skinny jeans, and a cute shirt to go with it. I decided to go with the nude lipstick, since my outfit was more casual. I fixed my hair, and now I was ready to go.

I got to Izzies around 6:50, so now we were just going to go straight to the party. She turned on the music and we jammed the whole way there. Of course we listened to Nickelback most of the way. I mean that is one of my favorites bands.

We got there and walked in, there was literally so many people in this house it was crazy. My nerves hit me like a truck, it's been so long since I've been in this kind of environment. I looked around, and there was alcohol everywhere.. I don't drink, so I knew this night would be interesting. Everyone was stumbling around, and I looked up and seen my friends from my band. "Oh look, there's Kylie, and Justin!" I said nudging Izzie. We walked over to them.

"Lisa, Izzie!!! Heyyyyy" Kylie said hugging both of us at once, basically almost knocking us over.

"Lisa!! I'm glad you could make it. Hey Izzie!" Justin said, hugging us a lot softer than Kylie.

"Hey guys! Looks like the two of you are already having fun" I chucked. "How long have you guys been here?"

"Uh probably about 30-45 minutes! There's so many people here, this is crazy!"

"Oh my gosh, Lisa and Izzie? Is that you guys?" A voice interrupted us. I looked over to my right, and seen it was our friend Casey who was having this party.

"Oh hey Casey!! Yeah, we decided to come since it's been so long." I replied giving Casey a hug.

"I'm glad you guys did! I missed you all. Do you guys want a drink or anything? Help yourself to whatever." Casey said pulling back from the hug.

"I missed you too. I'm good, I don't drink.. thank you though! But if you want anything Izzie, go for it!" I smiled.

"Hell yeah I do! You sure you don't mind Lise?"

"Not at all, we're here to have fun!

About an hour passed, and I was just standing there by my friends looking at everyone while they were talking. I was just scanning the room, when I looked straight across from me. My breath was taken away, as I saw the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life standing there talking to a group of people. I had no idea who she was, but I couldn't stop looking at her.. She was absolutely stunning. I had to know who she was.

"Hey guys, do you know who that gorgeous girl is standing over there in the black shirt?" I asked them, hoping someone would.

"The one with the long black hair?" I nodded my head. "Oh that's Lauren Cimorelli! She's pretty cool, I met her a while ago. You should go talk to her!!" Kylie enthused.

"I don't know.. it's been so long since I've talked to a girl, and I don't even know if she likes girls." I said awkwardly.

"She does, she was dating a girl last year!! Cmon Lise, this might be your chance!!" Kylie said lightly pushing me towards her.

"Ok, ok. I'll atleast wait until she's done talking to her friends." I said standing my ground.

My heart was racing out of my chest, as I didn't know what to do. I know if I don't go and talk to her, I will live in regret. I'm just so scared, I never used to be like this. Something in my mind was just telling me to go and talk to her. It was like it was on a loop. I just kept looking at her every chance i could, but making sure not to make eye contact, or to make it obvious. After about 10 minutes, I saw her sit down by herself. Now was the time to make up my mind.

What will Lisa do?? Will she go up and talk to her, or let her fear take over?

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