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Lisa's POV

Lauren came to my show tonight, and I was honestly really happy she came. She met my friends, and I finally met her sister Dani. She's honestly so cool, and really funny! During the show though, I couldn't help but glance at Lauren.. She was just smiling, and dancing, and it looked like she was having a good time, which I'm glad. It made me smile, and more nervous of messing up. The show ended.

"You ready to go?" I asked Lauren, excited to hangout with her one on one again.

"Yes, let's go!" She answered, as she walked to my car.

We arrived at my place, and walked up to the door so I could unlock it.

"I really like your house! You live here all by yourself?" Lauren asked as we walked in.

"Yep. It's just me, myself, and I." I laughed.

She reciprocated the laugh, "Wow, it must be nice being all by yourself, my house is always so loud, and chaotic. This is awesome!"

"Yeah, being alone is definitely nice most of the time, but it can get pretty lonely sometimes."

"I can see that, but if you ever want some company, you can always ask me and I'd come over."

"I'll keep that in mind then, Cimorelli." I winked. "Just make yourself at home! Do you want a drink or anything?" I asked.

"Do you have any water? I can get it, if you want me to."

"No, you sit down, I'll get it!" I walked into the kitchen, and got her a glass of water.

"Here you go." I handed it to her, smiling.

"Thank you." She smiled. Ugh, I love her smile so much. I sat down on the couch.

"You're welcome. So.. your sister mentioned that she's heard a lot about me?" I teased her.

Her cheeks started to get rosy, and she chuckled a little bit, "Oh yeah.. I just told her about the night we first met, and showed her some of your music, and you know all that. Hey, Kylie mentioned she's heard a lot about me as well." She teased back, taking a sip of her water.

I just smiled at the fact that she talked about me to her sister. Crap I forgot Kylie mentioned that to her.. "I did the same thing, I just told them about that night, and that you were also in a band. Oh, and that you were so down to earth." We both were blushing a little bit now.

"My throats a little dry from the show, I'm gonna get some more water. Do you need anymore?" I asked, standing up.

"No I'm good. Thank you though! Hey, so I saw on your YouTube that you sing by yourself sometimes, do you usually do those here? Or at a studio?" She asked from the couch.

"I do those here, I have a little home studio. You wanna go see it?" I walked back over by her.

"Yes of course I do!" She laughed.

We walked down the hall, to the room.

"Woah! This is so cool. You have drums and everything? Oh my gosh! This piano is beautiful!" She walked over to it amazed.

"Yeah, I figured since I had an extra room that I'd make it into my music room. You can play that if you want, or sing me something maybe?" I hinted at her, hoping she would.

"Oh, um I don't even know what I would sing." She blushed.

"I just saw one of your covers on Instagram of Lana's song. What about that one? You don't have to if you don't want to, of course." I smiled.

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