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Lisa's POV

"So Lauren, tell me about yourself." I turned towards her smiling, so I could see her more.

She turned towards me as well, "Um let's see.. Well for starters, my names Lauren Cimorelli. I'm 21 years old, I'm apart of a pretty big family, There's 12 of us all together! I have 4 sisters, 5 brothers, and then my parents. My sisters and I, have a band together. We're called 'Cimorelli'." She giggled. "I mostly play the piano, and I'm learning the guitar, and I like to skateboard. What about you Lisa? Tell me about yourself." She grinned.

Wow we're both in a band, I never would have guessed we'd have so much in common, I thought to myself. "Woah, you have 12 people in your family? That's insane!" We both laughed. "My life's not as interesting as yours, but, my name is Lisa Carmen. I'm 23 years old, there's only 2 of us in my family. My sister, Alyssa, and I. I'm also in a band, with two of my friends! We're called Daydreamers, but I also do covers alone on my YouTube channel. I mainly play the piano also, but I play the drums sometimes! Oh, and I love cats!" I smiled.

"Oh my gosh, you're also in a band? That's so cool!! What kind of music do you guys sing?" She questioned.

"We are a rock band! But on my YouTube channel, I do covers of every genre pretty much. What about you guys, what do you sing?" I reciprocated the question.

"We're a Christian/pop band I guess you could say? We also do covers on our YouTube channel! But I do like rock music, so I might have to check out your band." She winked at me.

Oh my gosh, her wink.. ahh I think I'm blushing so hard right now. "Yeah, maybe I'll have to check out yours also!" I winked back laughing.

We sat there for a few minutes just being quiet, but I wanted to keep talking to her. "So what brings you here to the party, Cimorelli?" She started blushing, was it because i called her by her last name? It made me smile. "I know you mentioned it's been a while for you."

"Yeah it has, yesterday my sister asked me if I wanted to come to this party with her. At first, I wasn't sure, but she somehow convinced me to get out of the house for once. I thought it would maybe help me, being social or whatever." She looked away. I could tell she got sad.

"Lauren, if you want to talk about anything, you can. I know we just met, but I promise you I am a good listener." I assured her.

"I don't want to bore you with my problems, or scare you off. I'll be fine!" She faintly smiled.

"You won't bore me, or scare me off. Trust me, I know it's scary talking to people about this stuff, I feel the same. If you want to, just let it all out. Maybe it'll feel better because you don't know me that well?" I assured her, once again.

"It's- it's just- the past few months, I've felt completely broken. Numb. It's all because of my ex. At then end of last year, I started dating this girl.. At first, everything was going good, hardly ever any fights. I was kind of skeptical, but it was my first real ~love~ so my feelings got the best of me. About the 6 month mark, everything started to change.. She started getting controlling over me, got angry with me very easily. I felt like I had to walk on egg shells. We were always arguing, but somehow I always felt like it was my fault. The blame would always be put on me. I never told anyone while it was happening, because I thought I could help her. Maybe if I do this, then she'll actually be nice. Maybe she'll actually show me she loves me. All these things I thought I could do to change it. It was just all very toxic. One day, I had enough, so I told Dani. Once I actually said everything out loud to someone, my views on the whole situation changed. I realized what she was putting me through, and how it was effecting me. So I finally told my ex how I felt and all she had to say back was "whatever." I wasted all that time on someone i thought loved me back. I was all wrong. After that, I was too scared to go out. I never wanted to socialize, that's why I always stayed in my room. Until tonight, I finally decided to come out. Here I am, telling you all of this, and we just met a couple hours ago. I don't know why, but I feel like I can really trust you." A tear started falling down her cheek, it broke my heart.

"Lauren, I am so sorry." I scooted over so I could hug her. I pulled back and looked at her. "I am so sorry that you had to go through that, you didn't deserve that, hell no one does. You are very strong for ending it, even though it took a toll on you, you got away from it. Just from this talk we've had, I can tell that you are an awesome person. You're very kind, and I can tell that you have a big heart. You deserve someone that's going to give you all their attention, that will tell you how beautiful you are every minute of everyday, someone that makes you feel alive, and someone that is worth your time. Please don't settle for any less. I'm glad that you could trust me enough to talk about it. I know how it is to feel broken, and like your heart was ripped from you. I feel like I can trust you as well." I smiled.

"I appreciate that so much, more than you could know. I'm just done being sad about the past, I'm ready to move on from everything. Just start completely new." She wiped her tears. "If you have anything you want to talk to me about, I'm a very good listener as well." She smiled.

I have a very difficult past, do I want to put all this weight on someone I just met? I thought for a second.. "If I told you all that's going on in my head, we'd be here until the morning." I laughed.

"I don't have anywhere to be." She put her hand on my arm, smiling.

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