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Lisa's POV

Wednesday was finally here, meaning I got to hangout with Lauren later today. We actually have more time, so we won't have to be rushed on anything. I still haven't figured out exactly what it is I'm feeling towards her.. I've only known her a little over a week, but I do know that I really enjoy hanging out with her. I forget about all my problems when I'm around her, and she makes me genuinely laugh. Not to mention, whenever she touches me i feel everything in my body light up, and get so nervous..

Even if I feel deep down, that I'm gonna fall for her, I wanna take everything slow.. I wanna make sure that if I do end up giving my heart to someone again, it's to the right person. I hate that I'm so scared of commitment now, I wish I could just go into something new with no worries.. I know Lauren has been heartbroken as well, so if something does happen between us, I'd hope she'd get where I'm coming from with taking things slow..

Lauren texted saying that she was on her way, so now I'm just anxiously waiting for her to get here..

Knock knock

Ahh she's here.. I walked over to the door trying to keep it cool, I opened it, and she stood there smiling.

"Hi." Wow, she looked so good today.

"Hey! Come in." I gestured behind me, closing the door.

"How was your day today?" I asked, as she sat on the couch.

"It was kinda boring, we just did band stuff, you know how that is. It's not boring anymore though." She smiled, making me blush.

"Well I'm glad it's not boring anymore." I reciprocated the smile.

"How was yours?"

"It's been the same for me, I just went to the gym this morning. Like you said, it's better now." She was blushing now.

We sat there for a little bit, having small talk. Me telling her to come today so I could teach her the drums, was kind of an excuse to get her to hangout with me again.. Though I will actually do it, because I know she wants to.

"So are you really going to try and teach me the drums?" She asked.

"Yes, if you want to I will! We can go do that now?"

"Yeah, I don't know how good I'm going to be though."

"Let's go, try." I stood up, helping her up as well.

She sat down and just looked at them.

"Have you played anything on them before?" I asked.

"Um a tiny bit, in a couple covers we've done. But that was like a sample pad, nothing like this."

"Well that's ok, I mean that still requires some rhythm to it. If you don't get the hang of it right away, don't get too frustrated. It may take a few times to get it." I assured her. "Just hit around on them for a few, and get the feeling of it."

"Ok, but don't judge me if it sounds absolutely horrible." She laughed.

"I won't, I promise. I started out, just like you are." I laughed with her.

"I'm gonna give you a beat to do on the snare, and you follow, ok? You don't have to go fast, just start slow until you get the hang of it."

"Ok." She did it perfectly.

"That was perfect!" I said, and she blushed.

I taught her a couple more things, and now it was time to put them together.

"Ok, you're going to do the same thing you've been doing, but now when you hit the kick, hit the hi-hat at the same time with your left hand."

She tried, but she couldn't get it down. "This is so confusing for my brain." She laughed.

"Here, you want me to help you with the hi-hat?" I asked, and she nodded.

I took her hand with the drum stick, and put mine over it, so I had control but it was still her doing it. I could see she was blushing, which only made me blush. I felt that fire feeling in me again.

She looked at me, and had the biggest smile plastered on her face. I could tell she was happy she was getting the hang of it. I then saw her look at my lips, and back up to my eyes.. We kept eye contact, i then noticed myself looking at her lips. I felt my hands getting sweaty, and I could feel the tension growing between us.. I started to panic because I wanted to kiss her, but I wasn't sure if I was ready..

It took everything in me to get back to reality, and take a step back.. "For your first time, you did absolutely amazing. Are you sure you've never done this before?" I smirked, trying not to make her think she did anything wrong.

She looked down for a second, then back up.. "Yeah I'm sure, I guess you're just a really good teacher." She smirked back.

"I won't deny or agree to that, let's go get a drink it's hot in here." I nodded my head towards the door, Lauren following.

We sat on the couch, after getting water. I could feel that there was some awkward tension between us now, and I didn't want that.. That's the last thing I wanted to happen.

"So.. Not to bring anything from the past up, but is your ex the last person you've been with?" She asked, I looked up to her.

"Yeah. I tried one other time since then, but I couldn't do it, I felt nothing towards her.. What about you? Have you been with anyone since your ex?" I asked, in return.

"No. I was always too scared to get back out there. I just didn't want to go through that again.." She put her head down.

I put my hand on her back, trying to comfort her. "I'm sorry, it sucks having to worry all the time now about what the next person will be like.."

She looked up, her eyes meeting with mine.. If I looked too long, I was scared I was gonna get lost in them.

"Lisa.. Can I ask you something?" Oh no..

"Yeah, of course."

"Did I freak you out earlier in the studio? If I did, I didn't mean to I just-"

"Lauren, you didn't freak me out. Trust me, I really wanted to.. I just, i don't know.. When I'm around you, I forget all about my problems in the world. You make me genuinely laugh, and no one has been able to do that in a long time. I just don't want to rush into anything, and mess everything up.. My life is a mess, and I don't want to take you with me, if you deserve someone better.." I kept eye contact with her.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel like I was rushing.. That's the last thing I wanted. I feel the same way about you, I get so happy when we hangout, you give me this feeling that I've never experienced before. Please don't say that, I want to be around you, I want you in my life.. There's no one else, I'd rather be with right now. We can just take things slow, and see what happens. Does that sound good?" I felt the tears coming, and I was trying to hold them back.

"Thank you. Thank you for understanding where I'm coming from. I hate that I feel this way, but i just want everything to go right. I like being around you as well. Yes going slow, sounds great." She put her hand on mine.

"Then that's what we'll do. Is it ok if I lay my head on your shoulder?"

"Yes, you don't have to ask. I don't want you to think you have to." I moved my arm, so she could lay against me. Her hair smelt so good, and I felt so comfortable. It's like this is all I needed.

I turned on a movie for us to watch, and we stayed like that the whole time. I rubbed circles on her back with my hand. I never wanted it to end, I don't know what I did to deserve Lauren in my life, but I didn't want to do anything to mess that up.

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