Chapter 20: The withering Pale Rose

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It was a few months after Lapis left.
You and Peridot weren't thinking about it that much as before, but Peridot still was kind of sad about it.
Steven was really nice to you, and not too long ago he got you a Cactus. You named it Greg, (A/n- my cactus is actually named Greg, but it was my brother who named him that) because Steven told you when he was buying it, his dad touched the spikes and had to put a 'bandage' on it.

You were really getting better with your powers. You actually helped the Crystal Gems practice with fighting. Peridot was also improving with her powers. She was throwing some empty cans in the air, while you were trying to make the Crystal gems trip on some wines. They were really good at fighting.

A day later you were on the hill by the lighthouse trying to change the color of a flower from yellow to Pink. You got tired of it and went back into the house.

Inside, Pearl was sitting on the couch looking tense. "Pearl? Are you okay?" You asked her as you sat next to her. "Yeah sure, everything is totally fine" She said still looking really tense. "Look Pearl I'm not dumb, I know when something is happening. Can't you just tell me what it is?" You said. She got up and sat on the stool in the kitchen. You crossed your arms and leaned back on the couch. Amethyst came out of the temple with Garnet behind her. They asked what's going on. You shrugged and pointed at Pearl, who was looking on a 'phone'. Her Pearl shined and Steven came out of it. "I know" He said. "I wanted to tell you for so long" Pearl said with tears in her eyes. "Mom was Pink diamond" Steven said. "Whaaaaaat?" Amethyst yelled. Your mouth was agape and your eyes were wide.

(Time skip brought to you by: the episode ended)

Steven and Pearl explained everything to you, Amethyst and Garnet. "Let me get this straight. Rose Quartz, leader of the Crystal gems? Stevens mom. Was actually Pink diamond?!" Amethyst screamed. "She faked her own shattering, and reformed to be Rose all the time" Steven explained. "Pink diamonds final command to me was that no one could know. But now that Steven does, I can finally tell you all everything!" Pearl said. "Phew, I mean, a Pink lion, a Pink sword and now Pink diamond? Ah, if you try me Rose invented cotton candy I'd believe it, right Garnet?" Amethyst elbowed Garnet. Garnet was shaking. "Eh, Garnet?" Amethyst questioned. "Rose, she, she" Garnet was trying to hold herself together, but was unsuccessful. She unfused. "Sapphire!" Ruby said. "She lied to us! She lied about everything! She held our hands, looked us right in the eyes and told us to never question who we are as Garnet! We never questioned our selves. Or her!" Sapphire yelled as the floor was covered in ice. "We couldn't have known!" Ruby said. "No, you couldn't have known! You never know what's going on! That's what I'm for!" Sapphire yelled. "Sapphire" Ruby said. "But I never looked into her, I trusted her. I let her make fools of us all!" Sapphire yelled and walked to the warppad. "Sapphire wait!" Ruby yelled and ran after her. "Guys!" Steven said and tried to walk on the ice, but he slipped and fell. "Please. We could just stay calm and talk about this right? Let's just talk" Ruby said. "Talk about what? How our relationship is based on a lie?" Sapphire said and started crying. "What else is there to say?" Was the last thing she said before she warped away. Ruby well onto her knees."Ruby, I'm so sorry" Pearl said. "Come on Pearl. Help me explain everything to Sapphire" Steven said. "Right" Pearl said. "Can I come with?" You asked them. "Okay" Steven said. You walked towards the warppad. "Sit tight Ruby, we'll go and get Sapphire" Steven said. "Okay" She said before she started crying. You all warped away.

"Mabye she's here" Pearl said as you walked to Roses fountain. The place was covered in snow and ice. "Sapphire!" Steven yelled when he saw her. You all ran up to her, but stopped when ice was shot in front of Pearl. "Everything we were running from, she was right there all along, using us for her little war? Smiling at us with those knowing eyes? Making me believe in a better future that I couldn't see, because it wasn't real. And now here we are, our friends shattered and corrupted. Of course she was a diamond, what a long road she took to torture us like this" Sapphire said. "It wasn't like that, you know she didn't want anyone to get hurt" Steven said. "I don't know that! I clearly don't know anything!" Sapphire said. "You deserve to know everything. I was given to Pink diamond just a few thousand years before she was given the earth. I was supposed to make her happy, I just never could" Pearl started telling us the story when Pink first 'became' Rose quartz.

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