Chapter 31: Find the Amethyst

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A/n - Wow look I'm back. Yay :3

You were riding the lion with Spinel and Steven. You appeared somewhere in the 'town' as Steven called it. "Amethyst!" He yelled. No response.

The lion warped in front of a sign and ran under it. "Amethyst?!" Steven yelled again. You rode a 'rollercoaster'. You sat calmly next to the lion. While Steven was yelling "Amethyst!" And Spinel was yelling in excitement.

The lion warped into some kind of building. "Amethyst!" Steven yelled.  Before the lion warped to somewhere else, Steven bought some 'Donuts'.

You were now walking through a 'street'. Steven was holding up a 'donut' while yelling Amethyst, and Spinel was eating them. "Amethyst! I've got tasty Donuts! Come and get em!" He yelled. Nothing. "Worth a try. Where can she be?" Steven asked himself. There was a weird sound comic from a house. Steven looked that way. "Amethyst?" He questioned. There was a piece of pinkish purple cloth, covering the entrance. Spinel, Steven, You and Lion looked through it. "What is this place?" You asked. "It's an art studio" Steven said. "Amethyst used to come here all the time" He continued. A painting looked at you. You flinched. Steven gasped. The painting gasped as well. It shape shifted. It was the Amethyst. Steven ran up to her "Amethyst! Thank goodness you're okay" He said. "Thank goodness you're okay" She repeated. Steven sighted "I'm very not okay. But I've got a plan. I'm gonna get us all back, piece by piece. I just have to figure out your pieces" Steven said. He stood up and motioned to the paintings. "These paintings. Do you remember being painted?" He asked the Amethyst. "Being painted?" She repeated. Steven did something with his hands and said "Pew, pew! Do you remember our handshake?" He asked her. The amethyst shape shifted into him and did the same thing as he did. "Our handshake?" She repeated. "Singing and dancing that's gotta be a piece. Do you remembered singing and dancing with me?" Steven asked and turned on a light. The amethyst looked confused.

He started to sign. The amethyst shape shifted back. Steven brought the amethyst outside and you followed them. Amethyst was repeating everything Steven did.

You were now back in the 'city'. Steven bought some 'fries' and ate them. Amethyst repeated what he did but the fry fell out of her mouth. Steven than showed her again. She loved the Fries. You were now in 'funland'. Steven and the amethyst were trying to throw spheres inside of  holes but they both failed. Steven than thought of a solution. He grabbed as many spheres he could. The Amethyst did. The same. Steven sat on top of the machine and three the spheres inside the holes. Some tipe of small pieces of paper were coming out of the machine. Spinel was very surprised. The owner of the place looked upset. You all ran out of there.

You were now riding a ship on rails. You were looking outside. It felt so familiar. The Amethyst jumped Into a pile of 'hay'. Steven jumped in as well. Spinel did the same.

You were now in a kindergarten. In front of a small hole. Amethyst crawled inside. She must've been made here.

Steven helped you and her up to sit on top of the 'train', as Steven called it. You were all watching the sky.

You climbed up a hill. There was a beautiful sunset. "Pew" Amethyst said. "Pew, pew?" Steven asked. They did some weird moves with their hands. Steven than hugged Amethyst. The Amethyst glowed and flew I the air. She stopped glowing and fell on the ground. She groaned. "What happened?" She questioned. Steven ran up to her and hugged her. "Amethyst it worked! You're back!" He said and spun around with her. Spinel hugged them as well. Amethyst than pulled away from the hug. "What are you don't here?!" She yelled at Spinel. "So let me explain" Steven got cut off by a whip wrapping around him "get away from him you monster!". You ran towards the Amethyst almost pulling out your weapon but Steven stopped you and said that it's okay. Spinel was Standing behind them. " A monster? Where is it? No I don't see it" She said. The Amethyst jumped away from her. She pointed at Spinel "you're it!" She said. "Oh! Ready or not. Here I come!" Spinel said and jumped behinds Amethyst and boobed her on the head. She than ran away. She stopped "Oh, I forgot to say you're it". Spinel stretched he arm with and touched Amethyst. " Okay! Tag you're it!" She said and  ran away laughing.

The Amethyst turned towards Steven. "What the heck is this about?" She asked. "She doesn't remember attacking us. She doesn't even remember that thing" Steven said and motioned towards the injector. They both gasped. The ground around the injector was gray and smoking. Spinel than appeared out of nowhere. "Um do guys not know how to play tag?" She asked.

You were running behind Steven. He stopped when we were not far from the hill the injector was on. " Steven. What is going on here?" A small female human asked him. "I'm not sure, but I'll find out. Let's open up the shelters we might need to evaluate" He answered.

You were now running on top of the hill. "Lapis! Bismuth! Peridot!" Steven yelled. "What's the damage?" The Amethyst asked. "Amethysts, (G/t). Get away from me. I can't stand to see you  all vacant and brupt of personality" The Peridot said. "Yo I'm back you dip" The Amethyst said. "Oh
Well you're just in time for the end of the world!" The Peridot said. "This is no ordinary injector. It's leaking into the ground is toxic" The Bismuth walked towards Peridot with a sample of the ground. "Let's get a scan going and see what we're dealing with" The Peridot made a bubble around the piece of ground. She put it inside a weird looking machine. She pressed a button. The machine beeped and some paper was coming out of it. The Peridot grabbed it. "Just as I thought" She said. She levitated some kind of rectangular thing. Some writings appeared on the screen. "Bio poison. Pure and uncut. As of this moment the ampule has drained 15,4% of its contents meaning the poison is releasing at a destructionury of five cubic meters per hour, giving us. Hmm, 41 hours till the destruction of all organic life on earth" She said. "All organic life?" Steven questioned. "Yeah like the animals, the plants, the I insects. You know people" The Peridot said. "Oh no. This is what Spinel ment. 'Your human half won't stand a chance against my injector, she, she brought this thing here to kill me and now, now it's gonna kill everything else on earth too!? I've gotta do something!" Steven said and ran towards the injector. "No Steven wait!" Bismuth said. "Steven! Stop!" Peridot yelled. Steven tried to lift the injector. "Steven!" The Bismuth yelled. "Careful!" The Amethyst yelled. "What is that clod thinking?" The Peridot questioned. "Yeah! Lift with your legs!" Spinel yelled. You wanted to face palm at her comment. Steven Couldn't lift that thing. He let go of it. The ground shook. Some of the liquid splashed on Stevens arm. It ate trough his jacked. The ground under him parted. Spinel caught him before he could fall in. "Well look what I reled in. You ran up to him. "My Steven!" You said. "Are you okay?" The Amethyst asked. "My organic Jacket" Steven said sadly. He lifted up his shirt. "I can't do anything with my powers like this" He said. Steven turned towards The others. "Bismuth, Lapis. Can't you lift that thing? Peridot what about your metal powers?". "You think we didn't try that?" Lapis said. "Disturbing the injector accelerates the poisons rate of release. Also it might explode. We have to find a way to move it. With out touching it, before it's too late". " (G/t) you can control plants! I completely forgot!" Steven said. "I'm sorry? My Steven us (g/t)s don't have powers" You said. "Yes they have! You can control it!" Peridot said. "I'm really sorry but I can not" You said. "There must be another way" Peridot said. "Spinel, she activated it so she must be able to deactivate it. But she doesn't even remember what it is. Let alone how to control it" Steven said. "Than you gotta change her back" Bismuth said. "No way! She's cute and harmless now but if we bring her back she'll kill us all!" Steven said. "You're going to die anyway if you don't get her to deactivate that thing" Peridot said. "She's right Steven. You got me back. Whatever you did for me just do it for her" Amethyst said. "But I know you. I don't know anything about Spinel. None of us have never even heard of her before. Except. Pearl! Pearl knew her!" Steven said.


A/N- Hi guys so sorry this is the only chapter I'll be able to release today, cuz I'm going on a concert. I hope you like it. Also THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1000 READS! I really can't thank you guys enough. I hope you'll have a great day.
Bye :3

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