Chapter 38: Everything's fine

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You were now outside teaching your class. "Now please take a new pot and put just one seed in there" You said. "(G/t)! Need any help?" You jumped at the sudden voice, as did some of your students. One of the (g/t)s even dropped their pot and it fell down  and shattered. You looked towards the place where you heard the voice. "Woah.. Wait, Steven? Is that you?" You asked him. He looked really different. He was glowing Pink and his hair looked more puffed up. Were those Diamond eyes? "Of course! Who else it would be?" Steven said. "Well it's just that you look a little, Different?" You said. "Oh it's nothing, I'm fine" He said. "Alright then. Well, we should probably clean the broken pot" You said. "Oh don't worry! I can help with that!" He said. He licked his finger and touched the broken pot, and fixed it. "Woah I did it. I fixed something and didn't messed up ANYTHING!" Steven suddenly yelled and all of the pots around cracked and broke. "Well looks like my job here is done. Bye (g/t)!" Steven said and ran away.

For the rest of the class you and the other (g/t)s were cleaning the broken pots. Once you had it all cleaned you told the (g/t)s to rest for the day. And you went to Stevens house.

You were sitting on the couch with Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Greg and Connie waiting for Steven. The warppad activated and Steven warped in. "Steven!" Connie said. "I knew it. You are swelling and glowing again. I've been trying to call you but I came as soon as I saw this" Connie took out her phone and there was Steven swinging up and down saying "Steven's here to help! Steven's here to help!" Over and over. "What is going on?" Connie asked. "Well I cast my subconscious these days. It's really no big deal" Steven said. "Okay, but I can tell that something is bothering you" Connie showed him her phone again. The Steven in the phone. Was now glitching "Steven-help, help Steven". "I don't know what you're talking about about. I'm fine! Awesome in fact. Come on you've seen me when I wasn't doing well" Steven said. "Steven if being like this is what you want, we'll support you 100%. Whatever makes you happy. But if you're not happy or something's wrong-" Greg said. "Nothing's wrong! Besides, I don't want you to worry" He said. "We are worried" Connie said. "Steven, you know you can tell us anything" Greg said. "It's not that easy! You know what? I don't have to deal with this!" Steven started to walk towards the door but you stepped in front of them. "Hold up dude" Amethyst said and Stood next to you as did Pearl and Connie. "Steven you have to stop running" Garnet said from behind Steven. "Please" Greg Said. Steven started to swell up again. "Steven, we should get you back to the hospital" Connie said. "Hospital?" You questioned. "Hospital!?" Pearl and Amethyst yelled. "When were you in the hospital?" Pearl asked. "You didn't tell them?" Connie asked. Steven started to swell up again. " It wasn't that important you guys! You're making a big deal out of nothing! Have I done somethings wrong today? Sure!  trashed the house today, I broke an anvil. What teenager hasn't. Dad and I had a little disagreement but that's practically the right passage. I mean it would be weird if we didn't right? And maybe I've had a not so nice though or two about , you know, like slamming White Diamonds head trough a pillar, but but it's not like I actually went through with it! I only accidentally SHATTERED Jasper!" He yelled. You looked down. "What!?" Amethyst yelled and pearl, Greg and Connie gasped. "Is that why (g/t) poofed before?" Garnet asked. "You, you're joking right?" Connie asked. "Oh don't worry, I fixed that too! I can fix anything! I can just keep messing up and fixing things forever! And you'll never have to know or think about any of it!" Steven said. "Steven" Garnet said. "How messed up is that? And I've gotten away with this for so long. You had no idea how bad I am! You think I'm so great! I'm so mature and I always know what to do! But that's not true! I haven't learned a thing from my problems. They all just made me worse. And you think of me as some angel but, I'm not that kid anymore! I'm a fraud" He said and fell on the floor. "I fine..." He hold his head "IM A MONSTER!"


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