chapter 42: The goodbye

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You were hanging out in previously Jaspers cave. But now since you are (f/n), you live here. You didn't have a house in Little Home world. Before, (G/t) lived with Peridot and Lapis in their house.

Today Steven visited you.
"(F/n)! Hello? " He called. "Steven!" You ran out of the cave and immediate hugged him. "Hi (f/n)!" He said. "Come on in let me show you around!" You said. "Oh um sure?" You and Steven walked into the cave. It was well a cave with a flower bed on one side and that was basically it. You pointed at the flower bed "that's the bedroom". You pointed at the other side of the cave. The wall was full of punched out holes" And that's the training room".

"Wow it sure looks cozy?" Steven said. "You don't like it?" You asked. "Oh of course I love it! It's just that it's a little rocky?" He said. "Yes well it is a Cave after all" You said. "But hey! I have a surprise for you!" He said and put a scarf Around your eyes. "Huh? Why do I have that?" You asked. "Because it's a surprise come on! I'll lead you there!" Steven took your hand and lead you somewhere. You would occasionally bump into stuff.

Steven suddenly stopped. "Okay take the sarf off" He said. You took it off. "SURPRISE!!" You heard. Bismuth, Lapis, Peridot and Steven were standing in front of a house. The house was a lighter (g/c) and Orange. In front of it was a small garden with roses and hibiscuses. "Wow. This is beautiful!" You said. You walked towards it. "Can i?". " Of course! It's yours!" Steven said. You opened the door and stepped it. Inside was just as beautiful as outside. "Steven came to us with the idea to build you a house and well we built it!" Bismuth said. "With the help of some Other (g/t)s of course" She continued. "As you also could've noticed you have some Human machines here" Peridot said. There was a big black couch and a big black screen. "That's Television! You can watch movies and play video games on it!" Steven explained. "And we also thought that you might want to train so-" Lapis went to a door opposite to the front door and opened it. It was a outside garden with rocks and some kind of weird hanging thing. "That's a punch bag" Steven said. "What? You use this to punch? Rocks are way better" You said. Steven laughed. You ran up to them and hugged them. "Thank you so much! But why?" You asked. "Well since I'm leaving town tomorrow I thought I will give you all a gift. And you were the last so". " Wait, What? You are leaving town Tomorrow? And you didn't tell me before?" You said. Well more like almost yelled. "Yeah... I'm so sorry I just-" Steven sighted. You hugged him. "Thank you for everything. Steven" You said. You had a little bit of tears in your eyes. Slowly Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth Joined in the hug.

It was the next day morning. You were standing on the side walk waiting until Steven will drive by. You were thinking about everything that has happened. Who knew that this could've never happen if Pink Diamond never told you to recruit those soldiers from the Beta kindergarten. Who knew that in that moment (g/t) and Jasper will end up together.

Finally his car drove around you. You waved at Steven and he waved back.

For the longest time. Gems were forced to destroy life in order to have the perfect empire.

Steven thought us different.
He thought us that to be perfect
Is to love.


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