Chapter 40: The Wedding

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For the past few weeks Steven was getting a lot better. And he was also helping you and Jasper plan your wedding. Jasper wanted diamond symbols on the invitations and you wanted Stars of course. So naturally Steven said we could have both. Something you both agreed on is that you wanted Hibiscuses as the flower (these guys -->🌺). A flower that symbolises a perfect woman.

Steven used a printer to print out the invitations and you and Jasper were signing them. You actually had to teach Jasper how to write her name in English (a/n- oh my god now i can't stop imagining how it would look like. Probably like: "Okay Jasper this is how Your name looks in English". You just point at the individual letters and spell them out. " What the heck is a snake doing in my name"...... Okay I'll stop now). In the end she managed to write a big J next your name.

Later that day you and Jasper were handing out the invitations.You gave one to some of the humans that only Steven and the gems knew. You also invited the Nephrites and the other (g/t)s. Of course you invited Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl(s), Bismuth, Peridot, but you had some trouble with Lapis. "Lapis come on, you have to come! It'll be fun!" You said. "(G/t) I can't believe that you and Jasper were actually together" She said. "What do you mean 'actually together'?" You asked. "Two years back I remember that you got lost for a moment and when you came back you said you met Jasper and She said that you were her girlfriend. I thought she just said that because she wanted you to turn on us! And attack us! But you were actually together?! This whole time?!" Peridot was behind her. "Lapis calm down" She said. "Me?! Calm down?! Don't tell me that you knew about this!!" Lapis yelled. "For your information Lapis I did!" Peridot yelled. "What?! And you didn't tell me!?" Lapis argued. "Because I knew that you would be upset!" Peridot argued back. "Lapis come on. Please. I just want you there because you're my friend" You said. "And besides you forgave me! So why can't you forgive Jasper?" You asked. "Because you changed. I know that you changed for the better. Because I actually trust you" Lapis said. "Lapis.. Jasper changed as well. She changed for me. So please. Consider at least stopping by and saying hello" You gave Peridot two invitations and left.

The next day Steven was helping you and Jasper pick The dress. Both of you wanted to wear them so you just had to buy two (you can imagine them to look whatever you like. I don't want to forcefully make you think you are wearing something you don't like) . Although Steven didn't let you or Jasper see each other in the dress. He said it's some sort of tradition or something. But you didn't mind. Jasper did tough.

"Alright, everything is set and ready for tomorrow" Steven said. You were having the ceremony on the beach. There were a lot of chairs set up behind you. Pink, Yellow and Blue Pearls were helping Pearl set them up the whole day. Garnet and Bismuth took cake of the food for the humans. Amethyst was talking with Greg and Sour Cream. They were the ones playing the music on the wedding. "Okay so I'll say all of my lines, than you two will say anything you have prepared beforehand. After that Peridot will hand you the rings. And than I say 'I now pronounce you (f/n)!' And than you fuse! Everyone will clap and cheer" Steven explained. You giggled and than sighted. "(G/t)? Are you okay?" Jasper asked. "Yeah, it's just... It kinda bummed me out when Lapis said she won't come here. I understand that she's probably not comfortable around you but... It's just making me kinda sad " You said. "Hey! No need for this sad stuff here" Jasper said and picked you up. "You should be happy and exited and nervous and... Uhh.. All those other emotions but no sad!" She said. You started to laugh "Of course I'm happy Jasper". " Well you should be" She said. You both started to laugh. And Steven smiled happily.

The next day

Steven had both of the dresses at his place. You got to Stevens house before Jasper. So you had time to take the dress and change into them before Jasper sees you. Steven told you to hide in his room. Everyone else was running around making last minute touches to everything. Steven also for some reason decided to bake a cake for the wedding by himself. You had no idea how it looked like or how it'll taste like. You just waited in Stevens room, practicing your speech. Amethyst called you from downstairs. She told you to go and wait in front of the altar.

You walked out of the house and towards the altar. You walked on the path made of flower petals of hibiscuses and other white flowers. All of the invited humans and gems were there looking at you with happiness and amazement glowing in their eyes, except for Lapis. She didn't even show up. It still made you a little sad, but you won't let that ruin this perfect day. You stopped by the altar, nodded at Steven, turned around and waited.

Just a few minutes later Greg started to play on the guitar.

He walked down the stairs. Behind him walked, Connie and Pink Pearl, Bismuth and Pearl, Blue and Yellow Pearls. Garnet with herself. And lastly Peridot and Amethyst were throwing flowers into the crowd. Peridot was throwing them gently this time.. Surprisingly. All of them stood on both sides of the altar.

You Stared up at the door. Jasper walked out with beautiful long white dress.

(With a pink diamond symbols instead of that silver)

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(With a pink diamond symbols instead of that silver). Her hair were not much different aside from a pink Hibiscus behind her ear. She looks at you and her eyes shined. She walked down the stairs... Well more like spin dashed. Greg didn't even have time to finish the song and Jasper was already in front of the altar.

"Dearly loved. Gems, Humans, Lions Big and small. We have gathered here today to celebrate (g/t) and Jasper. Two gems who had been loving each other from the very first day they met. Worked together to stop various threats. Now please listen to their part of the story" Steven said. Jasper was the one who spoke first. "(G/t). I don't think I'll be able to forget the first time I've met you. Just by seeing you in the Beta kindergarten those 4760 years ago. I knew I had to protect you at all costs. From a rebel, from a diamond. From anyone who would try and hurt you. And I hope I'll be able to do that now". Some gems awwed wile some of the human were trying to process the 4760 years. "Jasper. Sadly I don't remember the first time only the two of us fused. But the second time I remember feeling warmth, happiness, all of those things. Since that day, I knew that you were the only person to awaken that feeling. And I would be more than happy to spend eternity with you" You said.

"The rings please" Steven said. Peridot was supposed be the one to bring the rings to us. But instead, Lapis was the one bringing them on a small crimson cushion. She looked at Jasper and than at you. She smiled. One of the rings were (g/c) with a flower on the top and the other one orange with a little diamond symbol carved into it. You took the orange one an put it on Jaspers ring finger. She took the (g/c) one and slit it on your ring finger gently. You held each others hands and smiled at each other. "Jasper, do you take (g/t) as the gem you swore to love and protect forever?" Steven asked her. "I do!" She sounded. "And (g/t), do you take Jasper as the gem you'll love and admire until the complete end of the Universe?" He asked. "I do" You said. "Than by the power of the Diamonds and love, I now pronounce you! (F/t)!" Steven said. You kissed Jasper. She picked you up and both of you started to glow. You fused.

(F/n)s Pov. Now forever.

I open my eyes and smile. Everyone clapped and cheered. Now I'm finally going to be living at peace. And there's no more obstacles in the universe to break me appart.


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