Chapter 39: Im My Monster

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Steven got corrupted. He was giant. He was pink and had spikes all over the back side of his body. You were standing outside of the house. "Just calm down son! Take deep breaths! Deep breaths!" Greg yelled. "Yeah! Relax buddy!". Lapis, Bismuth and Peridot appeared. " Let's hurry up and clobber that thing!" Peridot said. "Stand down!" Garnet said. "What for? And where is Steven?" Peridot asked. "That is Steven" Garnet said. Steven crashed his head into the Temple statue. "Run!" Garnet yelled. "He's not listening to us at all!" Amethyst yelled. "What happened to him? First he said he's a shatterer and than he turned into this thing!" Pearl said. "We can change him back! Can't we?" Connie asked. "As long he believes he's a monster he'll stay one" Garnet said. Steven roared and scratched the side of the hill. Some stones fell and you moved just in time from them. "We've got to keep him away from the town!" Bismuth said. "Connie, do what you can to protect the towns people" Garnet said. "Right!" Connie said and rode on lion to get there. "You four. Get him to the ocean and hold him there" Garnet said to you, Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth. Garnet fused with Pearl and Amethyst into Alexandrite. She jumped on his back and blinded his eyes. He stumbled back and crashed his back into the Temple, causing Alexandrite to unfuse. Peridot and Bismuth flew by and hit him a little to get his attention. He jumped at them but a wir pool appeared under him and some water chains caught him.

You were standind on the beach not knowing what to do to help. "(G/t)!" You heard from behind you. You looked back and you saw Jasper running to you. "Jasper!" You yelled and ran to her. "W-what is that?" she asked. "It's- it's Steven" You said. "Wha?" She questioned. "He came back from little homeschool and than he turned into this" You explained. "But we can't just stand around and do nothing! We have to help!" You said. "I know! Let's fuse! We'll hold him down easier!" Jasper said. "Okay" You said you. Jasper took your hand and Spun you around. Your gems glowed and you fused.

(F/n)s pov.

I opened my eyes and immediately summoned celp to try and hold Steven down. Lapis gasped and turned her head around "thanks (g/t-" She saw (f/n) instead of (g/t). "What?" Lapis started to lose control over the water chains. "Lapis! Try hold on!" I yell. She snapped out of it and summoned more water chains to hold Steven down.

"Yooo hoo! Steven!" I heard. "Is this a bad time?". I didn't really listen. I was too focused on trying to hold Steven down. There was a yellow electric like  light. It hit Steven and his head was slowly shrinking. He broke free out of that light and roared. He struggled to get out of the chains and the celp but failed. A blue cloud flew towards him. It stopped before him but he roared and the cloud flew back. Just than white diamond stepped in front of Steven. " Now than do you hear me Steven? Just relax and let me in". Random colors started to flash around. It stopped at the colour pink. "Wait" White diamond than fell down. "White!" Yellow and blue caught her. "What happened?" Blue Diamond asked. "That's not Steven anymore!" White said with fear sounding in her voice.

Steven started to struggle even more to get out of the chains and celp. He roared and broke free. I tried to fight the strength of the roar but than I still flew away. I hit the ground and I split up.

Back to (g/t)s pov.

You lifted your head. "Ugh my head" You said. You looked in front of you. You saw the cluster holding Steven back. "I can't believe it. He's even stronger than the cluster!" You heard Peridot say. "Deep inside this monster. Steven's in there so angry" Pearl said. "I knew something was up. Why didn't I do something sooner!?" Amethyst cried. "If we don't get through to him. He'll stay like this forever!" Sapphire said. You teared up. "No, no, he- he can't!" You yelled. Jasper hugged you. You cried into her chest. "He can't- he can't" You cried.

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