Chapter 36: Together Forever

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It was a bright sunny day. You were one your way to Stevens house to talk to Garnet. Lately you were wondering, what if you proposed to Jasper. Even though you really wanted to you had to ask a pro.

You entered the house. Steven was coming down the stairs and talking to Garnet. "Oh Garnet! I wanted to ask you something" You said. "Sorry (g/t). Could you come back later Prehabs? I gotta split" She said. You sighed "Okay than" You said. Garnet unfused. "I'm so sorry. I'm running late on my lecture on alternate timelines. Have a nice day at the scouts beautiful" Sapphire said and gave Ruby a hat and a kiss on the cheek and than she left. "Hey, Sapphire got her thing but you can still talk to o'l Ruby" She said. "No thanks, I still have some classes to teach. I just thought I could catch Garnet. Well talk to you later! Bye Ruby! Bye Steven!" You yelled an ran out of the door towards Little Homeworld.

At Little Homeschool

You walked inside your classroom. Well more of a outdoor greenhouse. There were a few wooden tables and a lot pots with flowers. Today you were going to teach the (g/t)s how to grow a Bush in the shape of something or someone. "Hello class" You said. All of the gems stopped talking and looked at you. "So today we'll be learning how to grow a bush" You said. "Didn't we learn that in the last lesson?" A small (g/t) said. "We did, but today we will be learning how to grow them in the shape of something or someone" You explained. All of the students looked at you curiously. "I shall demonstrate" You said. You put an empty pot on the table.You put some soil into the pot. You put some seeds into the soil and a little bit of water. You held out your hand and imagined the image of Steven. The seeds stated you quickly sprout and in no time it was a small sculpture of
Stevens head. All of the (g/t)s stared at it in awe. "Now I want each of you to grab an empty pot and do the same thing I did. But wait before you start growing your bushes. Understand?" All of the (g/t)s nodded and all of them grabbed an empty pot and filled with soil and put some seeds in it. "Alright everyone has a pot?" They all nodded. "Great. Now I want you all to close your eyes. And think of something or someone you would like to turn this bush into" You said. All of the (g/t)s closed their eyes. You waited for a moment. "Are you thinking of it?" All of them nodded. "Great now open your eyes and keep thinking of it. Hold your hand towards the pot and start to grow the plant" Some (g/t)s started to grow their plants and in almost no time they had their little sculptures. Some struggled a little but by the end of the class everyone had a sculpture done. "Great! These are beautiful! Now please don't be angry but I want all of you to keep these and take care of them until next week. Hopefully all of you will show me your plants in great shape" You said. You could hear some of the (g/t)s groaning but you didn't care. You've gotten used to it.

After your last class

You were hoping you could finally go and talk to Garnet but Sapphire still had her lecture about Alternative timelines, so you decided to visit Jasper in the meantime.

You walked through the forest towards her cave. "Jasper! Are you here? Jasper!!" You called. Jasper Imidietly showed up. She was running towards you at full speed. You were actually kinda worried that she'll crash into you. Which she did. She grabbed you by your waist and Imidietly spun you around. You laughed. "Where were you?!" She sounded. "Teaching classes" You simply said. "Oh.. Right I forgot" She said. "Well yeah I actually have some time now so I wanted to visit you" You said. "So you wanna train?" She asked and held out her hand. You took it and she spun you around. "Sure! I could use some training" You said right before you and Jasper fused.

(F/n) trained for a bit but after three hours. You had to go meet with Garnet. (F/n) split up. You kissed Jaspers cheek as a goodbye and head back to Stevens house.

It was a beautiful sunset at the beach. You entered Stevens house just in time to catch Garnet. "Garnet! Are you free now?" You asked. "Hmmm sure" She said. "So what did you need to ask me?" She said. You blushed a little "so um.. I wanted to ask you a-about um.. If I should propose to J-Jasper" You stuttered a little. More like a lot. "Well it depends. Do you love her?" She asked. "Of course i do" You said. "How long have you two known each other?" She asked "Since the day Pink Diamond send me to recruit the quartz soldiers from Beta. About 4760 years I think" You answered. "Do you want to spend eternity with her?" She asked. "I would love to" You said. "And what is your Fusions name?" She asked. "Oh it's (F/n)" You answered. "Do it" She said. "Wait.. Really?!" You asked surprised. "Yes, if you love her as much as you say so, and you want to be with her, and she loves you as much as you love her, I don't see anything that could go wrong" She said. You smiled. "Thank you Garnet!" You said and started to walk towards the door. "Wait" You stopped. "When?" She asked. "Oh um.. I don't want to tell her right now I just wanted to know if it's a good idea" You thought for a moment. "Actually I wanted to ask Bismuth if she could make me the rings so" You said. "Understood" She said. "Thank you again Garnet. Bye" You said and left the house.

This was going to be perfect.


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