Chapter 41: The Crushed Wedding

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Quick a/n - I'm gonna refer to (f/n) as you. Because now you and Jasper are one. And also because I'm lazy.
Enjoy the chapter :3

Everyone was having fun. Everyone was laughing and talking. Everyone was having a good time. You were standing in front of other gems and female humans who were trying to catch the flowers. You threw them upwards but maybe just a tad too strong. They didn't fall back down. The group sighted and they split up. You laughed to your self and walked to the dance floor. A beautiful song started to play.
(Im sorry if you don't like this song. It's just too perfect)

You hugged your self and started to slowly dance, round and round with a happy smile on your face. This is the most perfect day ever. Everything would be like this from this day forward. Perfect.

Just as the song ended you stopped and opened your eyes to see the beautiful sunset over the sea. You smiled to your self. Suddenly you heard a laugh. "HA! Enjoying your party Universe?". " What the-" You turned around. A strange gem was flying and trying to attack Steven. "Hey! Leave him alone!" You yelled and jumped in font of him. "What's this? Another one of those gems you convinced to join your side? What are you anyway? " The Gem looked at you more closely this time. Her eyes went wide. "Jasper?!"  Two different voices were heard that time. The gem must've been a fusion. They split up and two small gems fell onto the sandy beach. A ruby and an Aquamarine. "What?" You questioned. The ruby stood up and looked at your in distraught. "Jasper. I can't believe it?! You've joined the Universe boy and betrayed your diamond?!" The ruby yelled. "I am not Jasper. My name is (f/n). And I didn't betray anyone" You growled."No! You are supposed to be the perfect gem. The kindergarten gem that could! And you just fuse with a pathetic (g/t)?!" She yelled. You started to glow and split up.

Now get ready for! (G/t) pov.

You fell onto the sand. "J-jasper?" You questioned. Jasper was standing with her back turned to you clenching her fists angrily. "How dare you" She mumbled quietly. "huh?" The ruby said. "How DARE you talk about my wife like that?!" She yelled and threw a punch at the ruby. The ruby flew back and crashed into the sand. The aquamarine flew quickly towards the ruby. They fused together. You quickly stood up and went to Jasper. She looked at you and smiled. You fused again.

Back to (f/n) pov.

You turned around. "Steven! What's the plan?" You asked. "Um. Well we can ether fight Bluebird and that would somehow convince them to join our side just like it always somehow worked before or I don't know scare them away?". " Leave it to us!" Garnet said. She, Amethyst and Pearl were getting ready to fuse together. "Wait! We can still try the first option before scaring them away?" Steven said. "Steven you know very well it won't work with these two" Garnet said. Steven sighted "you're probably right". Garnet thought for a minute. " Hmm I do see a completely different outcome. (F/n)" She said. You turned towards her. "I think you may want to do the honours?" Garnet said. You smiled and nodded.

Bluebird flew up summoned her icey sword and flow full speed towards you. You summoned your helmet (Jaspers helmet and your weapon may have adapted to (f/n)s looks so it probably looks similar to the style your (f/n) has. Just so you don't have to imagine Jaspers orange helmet if it doesn't match your (f/n)s aesthetics) and jumped above Bluebird and headbut (?) them to the ground. They quickly stood up and launched at you again. You summoned your (g/w) And fused it with your helmet (if you have a spear it could make a cool hamer right? If you don't than it didn't work or whateva). You just simply stopped her with your weapon and punched her away. She crashed into a rock and fell down. You walked up to her. She looked up at you. She panicked and quickly stood up and flew away. "Grr. I'll be back one day Universe! You may have that on your team! But believe me I'll come back one day! And that day will be your last" She laughed and flew away.

You turned around towards the others. They were starting to at you amazed. "What?" You questioned. They immediately started to bombard you with questions on how in the world you fought so well, and all that.

The rest of the wedding was filled with just dancing and celebration.
This day was even better than before and let's hope it'll stay that way.


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