Chapter 30: Girlfriend?

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A/n- The picture above is how does the clothes look like. And yes she has the see trough skirt.

You were now on top of the tallest building you saw from the distance before. The Peridot was looking out of 'binoculars'. "She rode in on that?!" The Peridot asked. "Yeah. She said my human half wouldn't stand a chance against your injector" Steven said. "What does that mean?" The Lapis asked. "Why don't we just ask her?" The Peridot asked. "Well here's the thing" Spinel tapped his left shoulder. He looked that way. Spinel than tapped his right shoulder. He looked that way too. "Where'd she?" Steven questioned. Spinel than grabbed supprised him by grabbing his shoulder saying "Supprise!". " Here she is my new best friend Spinel " Steven introduced her. Spinel bowed "a pleasure to meet you all" She said. You bowed as well and introduced your self "And I'm (G/t)". The Bismuth, Peridot and the Lapis looked at you confused. "(G/t)? Are you feeling okay?" Peridot asked. "Wait. Wasn't Spinel just trying to kill you?" The Bismuth asked. "Quick turn around" Lapis said. "No kidding. It took me months to stop trying to kill Steven" The Peridot said. "I say it took me a day, a day and a half" The Bismuth said. "I'm still on the fence" Lapis said. They all laughed. You Stood in front of Steven. "I won't let you" You said. They looked at you confused. "No seriously, (g/t)? Are you really okay?" Peridot stepped towards you. You almost pulled out your weapon when Steven stopped you. "Woah, Woah, (G/t) it's okay. It was just a joke" Steven said. You looked at him and bowed. "Sorry my Steven. I was at the impression that the Lapis, Bismuth and The Peridot wanted to hurt you". " Uhh, okay there's something seriously wrong with (G/t)" The Peridot said. "She got hit by the thing too" Steven explained. "Okay let's see this thing she hit you with" The Peridot said. "Right" Steven said and took something out of his 'pocket' and gave it to Peridot. "Woah, was it like a laser or-" The Bismuth snatched the thing from Peridots hand. "Be careful with that! It's a rejuvenator" The Bismuth said and activated it. It formed into a pink sythe. "Homeworld used to use these things on gems that started stepped outta line. One hit with this. And you're back to how they made you" Bismuth said and deactivated it. "What are you looking at" The Ruby said . Lapis looked at you sadly. "Oh my stars I touched it! I could have lost all my character development!" The Peridot said. "Wait how did you survive being hit by that thing Steven?" The Peridot asked. "I, I think I didn't. My human half kept me from poffing, But, but my gem half it took the hit. She sent me back! It's like I'm a kid again. I can barely control my Powers. How do we reverse this? Oh no. Do I need to get the Diamonds?" Steven said. "You're the one with healing powers. If anyone can fix this, it's you" The Lapis said. "I can't believe this. For the first time in years everyone's in danger. Everybody needs me and I'm useless!" Steven said. You walked to him. "My Steven you're not useless. Do you want me to dance or sing for you? To make you feel better?" You asked. "No, not right now (g/t)" Steven said. "Whatever you wish my Steven" You said. "Bismuth what do we do?" Steven asked. "I'm sorry Steven. I don't know" The Bismuth said. "Garnet would know what to do. Garnet always knows what to do Steven almost started to cry. "Hey, don't be sad. Your new best friend. Your new best friend. Your new best friend. Your new best friend! Spinel! Is here!" Spinel said. She was laughing while doing a cartwheel around Steven. Steven started to sing.

As Steven was singing he looked at some sort of device. There was a what looked like a mural but all colored in. The Bismuth wanted to cheer him up, but it didn't work. Steven walked on a 'lift'. You stood next to Steven as it went down. The Bismuth jumped off if the lift and ran to some sort of container. She poured the liquid into the mold that was shaped like a star. "Right, okay, let's put our heads together. There's gotta be some way to make them remember" Steven said. "What if it's like a puzzle" Spinel said. "Huh?" Steven turned around to look at her. "If we give them all the pieces. Eventually the I'll get the picture" Spinel said. "Spinel you might be onto something. If every experience they lost is a piece of who they are we just have to give them back all the pieces. One experience at a time" Steven said. "Are you serious?" The Lapis said. "That could take forever!" The Peridot said. "Exactly, so let's get started" Steven said. "We'll find a way to save the day that's who we are!" Steven, The Lapis, The Bismuth and The Peridot sang. Spinel was behind them. "Here we are in the future. Yeah! Here we are in the future and it's wrong!" Spread sang. "Woah, Spinel it's okay we're done" Steven said.

You were sitting on the ground just watching them all do what they were doing. "(G/t)!" You heard from the distance. You turned around and stood up. You saw a huge quartz soldier in the distance. You decided to go towards her. "(G/t)! Where are you?! " She yelled. "Hello there" You said. She turned towards you. "(G/t)! There you are!" She hugged you. "You said that you would be back when you were finished" She said and let go of you. "I'm sorry? Do you know me? " You asked. She looked at you confused. "(G/t), of course I know you. You're my girlfriend" She said. "I'm your what?" You questioned. "I'm terribly sorry, but I don't understand. I belong to Steven Universe, I don't ever recall seeing you" You said. The quartz had tears in her eyes. She started to run away. "Wait! I'm sorry!" You yelled after her. The gem was out of sight. When you came back everything was wrecked. There was a fusion standing there. "Oh there she is" The Peridot said. Steven ran up to you. "(G/t)! Where were you?" He asked. "Well I saw an orange gem right there" You pointed to where you saw her. "She was yelling my name so I asked her how she knows me. And she said I was her 'girlfriend' or something like that" You said. "Oh no, You saw Jasper?" He asked. "She didn't say her name. I don't remember seeing her anywhere" You said. "I would remember a cute face like that" You mumbled to yourself. "Huh?" Steven said. "She than ran away with tears In her eyes" You explained. Steven looked at the others. "Oh no I am not going there with her" The Lapis said. The Bismuth and the Peridot shook their heads. Steven sighted. "I'm sorry (g/t) I have to go find Amethyst" He said. "Sorry for what?" You asked. Steven gasped "it's nothing. Bismuth, can you watch Garnet?" Steven asked the Bismuth. "Yeah sure, but it looks like she's doing a pretty good job watching herself" Bismuth said. "Thanks" Steven started to run. You were running with him. Spinel stopped him. "Don't forget your best friend Spinel!" She said. "Oh, right. Spinel you stay here with the others and I'll be right back" Steven said and let go of Spinels hand. "No!" Spinel yelled. "Okay, let's go together?" Steven said. "Yey!" Spinel laughed. You weren't really paying attention. That orange gem. 'Jasper'? Is that what Steven called her? She sounded familiar to you, but you couldn't quite figure out how. You had to look for her later. Mabye she knows something you don't? For now you'd just had to help Steven.


A/N - You weren't expecting that did you. So yeah I was wrong about two things. One being that you'll see Jasper later and the other one that I didn't wrote the test today, but I'm writing it tomorrow. Yeah I know I'm a dumbass. I'm really sorry. I'll try to make it up to you guys. But tomorrow, because I'm tired and it's almost 10 o'clock (In Europe). So once again I am really sorry. Hope you'll have a great day.
Bye :3

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