Chapter 21: What's your Problem

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"Ruby! I'm so sorry! Where-. Oh no" Sapphire stopped when she saw a letter on the ground. 'Sapphire' was written on it. Sapphire opened it and read "Sapphire, you were right I need some time to think, so I'm running away. Ruby". " This can't be happening, oh Ruby, I'm so sorry, you left before I could take back all the horrible things I said to you" Sapphire started crying. Pearl took the letter and red it herself. "Well, Amethyst was with her right? Maybe she knows where she went". Amethyst was playing video games on Stevens TV. "Amethyst have you seen Ruby?" You asked. "Yeah, I seen her. She asked me for a pen and Paper a wile ago. Why?" Amethyst asked. "Because, she ran away. Did you see where she went?" Pearl asked. "I don't know maybe she'll come back. It's not my job to babysit her. Hey Steven, get over here in need a player two" Amethyst said. "Hold on a second Amethyst. Do you see her coming back in your future vision Sapphire?" Steven asked. "Oh. Oh! Maybe! But she's so wonderful and spontaneous, I have no idea what she could- WHY WOULD SHE BE A COWBOY?!" Sapphire hugged Pearl. "There, there. It's going to be okay. She's going to come back, she's gotta come back. If she doesn't than, than there would be no more Garnet, and what on earth would we do without Garnet?" Pearl said. "Oh Pearl, how will I ever get her back?" Sapphire sobbed. "I- I don't know, you two are incredible together, It can't be over!" They both stated crying and sobbing uncontrollably. "Oh kay I'll just go and try to find her" You said and walked out of the door.

Since Steven was able to get you out of the bathroom, he showed you around. You checked every where you could, but to no luck. So you decided to went out of the town onto Brooding hill. Steven told you that's where his dad usually goes to play on the 'guitar'. You thought that he could know where she went.

When you climbed the hill you saw Gregs Van, which meant that he was here. He was sitting on the ground in front of the van. There was also someone there with him. They were red and had hair similar to Garnet. Wait was it "Ruby?" You said. She turned toward you. "Oh, (g/t) how did you found me?" She asked. "I didn't know you were up here. I actually looked all over town to find you. When I couldn't find your anywhere i figured I'll just Ask Greg, but I guess that's not necessary now" You said and sat down. "Ruby told me about Rose" Greg said. "Oh, really?" You said. "Yeah well, I don't really know the rest. Pearl must've told you more" Ruby said. "Yeah, she did". You told Ruby and Greg everything that Pearl told you. " Woah" Greg said once you finished. "It's just really weird. I thought that She trusted me, but she didn't even told me anything about how she turned into Rose. I had cryed so many tears over Pink diamond, when she wasn't even shattered" You said. A car just arrived behind you. It was a Pizza car. A girl stepped out of it holding a Pizza box. Greg got up and payed the girl for the Pizza. The car drove away. Greg put the pizza box down and opened it. Ruby took a slice. She offered you some. You told her that you never even ate anything, and don't know the concert of eating. She told you to just bite into it and than swolow it. You took a slice and bit into it. The taste was actually really good. You loved it. You swolowed it somehow, you had no idea how you did it. You ate more of it. Greg brang some 'comics'. You grabbed a random one. It was called 'Lonesome Lasso'. You red it pretty quickly, it was really good. You loved the ending, but you had no idea what a 'wedding' is but it sounded nice. Ruby was reading 'Dolphin Tail'

The sun was setting now, It was nice.
You were watching it go down slowly, the sky turning into a pinkish purple color. "Hey guys!" You heard Steven say. "Steven? How'd you find me?" Ruby asked. "We senced you" Amethyst said, making it sound kind of mysterious. "We heard you ordered Pizza" Steven said. "Ruby and (G/t) told me about your mom" Greg said. "Oh, are you okay?" Steven asked. "Well I fell in love with Rose Quartz and she fell in love Mr. Universe. Sure she never told never she used to be Pink diamond, but I never told her I used to be Gregory De Mayo" Greg said. "So, how are you holding up Ruby?" Steven asked. "I'm Okay. Wanna slice?" She asked and opened a box with pizza to offer Steven. "Uh, thank you. Wait really? You seemed so sad before" Steven said. "Yeah, but me, (G/t) and Greg talked it out. I'm fine now" Ruby said. "Are you sure?" Steven asked again. "Yeah, Sapphire was kinda right about everything. We really did stay together, because Rose told us we were the 'answer'. It's my first time really thinking about it. It's my first time really thinking about me" Ruby said. "What do you mean?" Steven asked. "Back when I emerged, the first thing I did was get cramped together with a bunch of other Rubies, than I was with Sapphire all the time, I was always checking in with someone. But now I go whenever the wind takes me. I'm up here, eating pizza reading comics! I don't know if Sapphire wants to read comics. I don't have to know!" Ruby jumped on the roof of the van "the rest of my life could be like this. I don't have to be Garnet. I could be on my own!" She said. "Sure" Greg said. "If you want to" You said and smiled. "I guess" Amethyst said. "What? But, but, but you guys love each other. You're my favorite couple. You're Sugar and Flower, I love eating them separately but I still want cake! I'm sure Sapphire wouldn't want-" Steven got cut off by Ruby "I'm not fussed about what Sapphire wants. I'm seeing my own future now, and it's nothing but Ruby" She said. Steven was really tense. "Relax Kiddo, this could be what she needs" Greg said. "But dad what if they'll never form Garnet again?! We've gotta get them back together" Steven said. "Woah, that's not our call to make. Ruby's gotta want that for herself, if that's not Ruby wants, than it's not what Garnet wants, right?" Greg said. "I guess so" Steven said. "So, where you're going after this dude? You're just gonna stay out here?" Amethyst asked. "I wana live free. One with the wilderness. Facing Danger on every turn. Not needing nothing or nobody to get me by. Just like this guy!" Ruby said and held up the comic called 'Dolphin Tail'. "Hmm, do you mean something like this?" Steven asked and held up a copy of the 'Lonesome Lasso'. Ruby jumped down from the top of the van and looked at what Steven ment. She took it in her hands. Her eyes shined and said "that's even better. The hoping plain, that's where I wanna go!" She said. "I think I know just the place, I'll get ya there" Greg said. "Thank you!" Ruby said as she climbed up onto the van again. "Alright, alright, if this is how it's gotta be. I'll support Ruby in her quest for emotional growth. Ruby was jumping around the roof of the van making finger guns and saying Yeehaw.

The next day Greg drove the van to somewhere very similar to the hoping plains. " Y'all ready to Wild West it up?" Greg asked. Ruby kicked open the door dressed Intirely in a cowboy outfit. You got out of the van and followed Steven who took off a paper that was hanging from Rubys west. Ruby took the copy of the 'Lonesome Lasso' from under her hat and quoted "here I am on the open rance... At least you understand me, Horsey". " Oh, Ruby you need a steed" Steven said. "I'm always down for some horsing around" Amethyst said and shape shifted into a horse. "Get up" She said.

You followed Ruby, who was sitting on Amethysts back. "How's it going Ruby? Feel like a real cowboy now?" Greg asked. "Yep, I sure recking on do" She said. "Sorry I gotta be a yellow belly about this, but we don't even have a map. I think we'll just get ourselves lost" Steven said. "I already am lost. That's why I came out here, to find myself" Ruby said. You stopped in font of huge bush. "It's a ded end" Amethyst said. You wanted to make the bushes smaller so you could get over it easily, but Ruby jumped off of Amethysts back and said. "This is I mean. What's behind this Brush. I don't know. Sapphire ain't here to predict for me. I'd just have e to find myself" Ruby walked into the bushes. You all heard her scream. "Oh Gimny!" Steven yelled and ran towards the bushes. "Ruby?" Steven said. You couldn't quite hear what she was saying.

(A/n- at least I don't have to write everything)

That night you decided to sleep. You haven't slept since Lapis left. It would probably be for the best.


The diamonds. You were standing in front of all Three diamonds. Yellow, Blue and even White. But something was wrong. Yellow and Blue weren't in color. They were various shades of gray. Suddenly Whites eyes started shining. The light from her eyes traveled towards you. You couldn't move. The light has hit you right into the chest. Your gem turned gray. The color started spreading all over your entire body. It hurts so much. You fell to the ground. But than you started moving. You couldn't control it. You were smiling. You didn't want to but you did. You couldn't speak ether. You summoned your weapon. You saw Steven standing in front of you. You tried to stop yourself. You swung your weapon at him. That's when you woke up.

End of Dream

You woke up with a start. Everyone was up and about. Apparently we were leaving.

You got back to Beach City. Steven told you about the plan him and Ruby came up with. You and Steven stepped into the house. Sapphire nd Pearl gasped. "Steven! (G/t)! Did you find Ruby?" Sapphire asked. "She's outside" You said. "She's got something to say to you"

Sapphire went outside. She saw Ruby sitting on Amethysts back. You walked onto the terace. "Ruby!" Sapphire yelled. She ran down the stairs towards her and Amethyst. "Ruby! I'm so sorry. I should have never said those awful things to you. That we didn't matter anymore. I shouldn't have pushed you away like that. I was wrong" Sapphire apologized. "Nah, you were right" Ruby said. She got off of Amethysts back. She patted Amethysts leg. Amethysts ran towards the house still as horse. "Someone else told us we were the answer. But, I don't believe that anymore. At least not until I'll hear it from you" Ruby offered her hand to Sapphire. Sapphire placed her hand on top of Rubies. Ruby kneeles down and her hat flee to the wind. "Sapphire, will you marry me?" Ruby asked. "What? Marry you" Ruby asked. "Yeah, this way we could be together even when we're appart. This time being Garnet will be our decision. What do you say?" Ruby asked. "Of course" Sapphire said. "Yeehaw" Ruby said and hugged Sapphire. "I've been waiting to kiss your cute face" Sapphire said and kissed Ruby on the Cheek. Ruby laughed and spined Sapphire around. You were looking at them with both of your hands on your cheeks. "Awww" Steven said. Amethyst walked up the stairs and Stood next to Pearl. Pearl flinched after seeing Amethyst. "Pst. It's me, I'm a Horse" Amethyst said. You watched Ruby spinning and throwing Sapphire up to the Air.


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