Vanessa Slays

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I am so sorry I haven't updated in forever. The thing is I know what to write, but this damn chapter, I hate it so much. Like I know what to do, but it's just I don't want to do it. I have been procrastinating. I really hate this chapter, it was a pain in the ass to write, I'm sorry if it's bad.


Alison’s POV

That morning, I woke up with a pounding headache. I couldn’t remember much from last night. All I remember is that, I ran away from Luke because I was scared. I remember running home and drinking the last bottle of vodka because Zoe wasn’t there for me anymore, she’s always at Alfie’s. I wish we could hang out more often, it’s not that hard though.

I rolled out of bed and recklessly walked to the kitchen, bumping into everything. Once I got to the kitchen, my vision starts to become clearer as I reached up to the top shelf to get an Advil. I placed it on my tongue and swallowed it. I stood there, supporting my weight against the counter and feel the pain. It took a while for the Advil to kick in. Once it did, I felt better about the headache at least.

I jogged back to my bedroom and jumped into bed. I buried my face into my pillows as my body sprawled across the bed. I let out a very long sigh to release the stress and sat up and stretched until I felt calm. I lied down, closing my eyes and fell to sleep again.

After a while, I hear someone opening the front door. Zoe must be home, I thought. I continued to sleep until I hear someone going into my room. I furrow my eyebrows, Zoe would never go into my room without knocking. Fear took over my body as I shot my eyes open and threw a pillow at the unwanted visitor.

I shook my head and finally realized that it was Luke. “Luke?” I raised my voice,“what are you doing in my apartment?”. He stayed silent and approached me, “You left the keys in the plant pot in the hall”. He was talking about my secret key that I left in the hall because being the stupid person I am, I always forget my keys.

“Also, you ran off” he paused and looked around,“and I got worried”. He got closer to me as I curled into a ball. The room was filled with heat as we stare at each other. He sat on the edge of my bed and leaned closer to me. He gently lift my face up and looked at me in the eyes,“Baby, what’s wrong?”.

I hesitated. I didn’t know whether to tell the truth or lie. “Luke” I kept thinking, “I’m sorry for running away yesterday. It’s just, I’m on my period”. Wow, way to go Ali.

Luke broke the short moment of awkwardness and said, “It’s okay. I just came here to ask you on a date”. I paused for a second to think about it,"When?". "Now," he grabbed my hands and lifted me up,"let's take on the world together, right here, right now". 

He spun us around as we both laughed. We spun and spun until both of us felt dizzy. He wrapped his arms around me as we fall on the bed. We continued giggling our asses off. The moment we stopped, Luke caress my face and leaned in. His lips brushed against mine as adrenaline filled the room. We continued kissing, keeping things slow as we move in synchronize.

I pulled away as I held Luke's palm. "Yes," I whispered, my nose brushing against his,"yes I'll go on a date with you". He smiled and kiss me again. 


After I got ready, I walked into the living room. Luke was on the phone as he paces back and fourth. "So the plan is on?" plans? I was confused,"okay, bye". He acknowledged that I was in the room and smiled. "Ready to go?" I intertwine our fingers and smile. "Yes".

As we exited the building I finally asked him,"when you were on the phone, you were talking a plan. What plan?". "Oh," he stuttered,"it's nothing". That's when I realized that we both had secrets, but I don't mind because I wasn't one to worry.

We didn't  want to waste money on a taxi so we took my car. As Luke got in the driver seat, I gave him a questioning look. "If you don't know," he smirked,"I got my driver license". "I'm scared" I joked. "Hey!" he placed his hands on his heart,"that hurts here".

 As he begins to drive, I saw two figures from afar. It was the two stalker. Chills ran down my spine as I look at them in shock. Luke noticed this and placed his hand on my thigh. His hand grazed on my thigh as he asked me," Love? Are you okay?". "I'm alright," I take my hands in his as his eyes focus on the road,"I just thought I saw something". He nodded.

He continued driving until he stopped at an ice cream shop. He got out of the car and opened the door for me,"for you m'lady". I gracefully got out of the car and curtsied. "Such a gentleman," I teased.

As we walked into the shop, in the corner of my eyes, I saw the two stalker. "I'm gonna buy the ice creams okay?" I nodded giving Luke the approval. I got both of us seats and sat down. I look at the two girls and saw that the redhead glared at me. I slowly bend down hoping she wouldn't see me anymore but they did.

I look at the spot where Luke was before and he disappear. I look at my surroundings confused and jumped up from my chair. I walked around the ice cream store looking for Luke and I mistakenly bumped into a woman. "I'm so sorry" I notice that she looks kinda like Vanessa. "It's okay dear" she pulled down her sunglasses and winked at me. Now I was sure that this was Vanessa, I know those eyes from anywhere.

I walked outside of the shop and as I opened the door, it accidentally hit someone. "I apologize, sir, it's all my fault" the man adjust his newspaper boy hat and brushed his moustache and looked at me. "It's okay dear" he patted my shoulder and left. I was pretty sure that was Ashton. I scanned the outside and finally went back in the store.

As I walked into the store, I noticed those two girls were gone. I decide not to worry about them because some kid accidentally tripped and got ice cream on my pants. She looks like she wanted to cry so I bent down and comfort her,"don't worry honey, it's not your fault".

I walked into the bathroom and turns out the two stalkers were there. "Why were you on the date with Luke?", the blond spat,"I told you to stay away from him". The red head spoke up  "And I swear if you and Vanessa go near Luke and Ashton again, we will-". "Will what?" Vanessa stood between them and gave them a devious look as they shriek,"because you know, I got a phone here and I could call the police on you guys for harassment". She continued,"I can call the boys and have them get a restraining order on you guys so fuck off or else" she yelled in their face. They quickly ran out of the bathroom and never came back again.

Vanessa smiled and picked me up. "Are you okay?" she asked. "Ya, I'm fine" I continued," you know what Vanessa, you slay".


Oh my fucking gosh, that was hell for me. I'm sorry if it's really bad, I had a LOT of trouble while I as writing this. I accidentally deleted the chapter so I had to write it again and then when I wrote it again, I didn't save half of it so I had to type it again. I'm sorry if this takes a while but I think this chapter is cursed, it has broke my spirit.

I feel like I'm bored of writing this story because I started on a new book called Princess. Check it out. It's not that I don't like it, but it's just gonna be boring for me to write it. What I'm saying is that I'm not going to update like I usually do but there's a part that I really like in this story that I planned out already, so until that part is up, the updates are going to be a little bit boring so I apologize in advance. PS. Spoiler alert, the part that I'm talking about is going to change everything.

I hope you like this chapter, please remember to vote, comment and follow me. 

- Natalie xxx.

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