I Love You

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------------------One week later-------------------

Alison's POV

So last week I had to go back to Mr Emsell's office and I was fired from the fake dating. Things between me and Ashton has been rough. But to be honest, I'm happy for him but I'm also a little sad. Maybe I'll learn to move on.

I was currently editting my video for next week when Zoe interupted me.

" Ali can I talk to you?", Zoe said.

I nod.

" So I kinda feel homesick lately and I'm thinking of moving back to England", she said, " I also want you to come with me".

I was speechless.

"C'mon, you can meet all of my YouTube friends", she said.

"Um, I'll think about it", I said, walking away from her.

I decided to go for a walk and as I was walking I thought about it.

I have nothing here anymore. Beside Zoe, I have no one. Maybe I should go.

My thoughts were interupted by my phone ringing. I look at it to see who it was.


What did he want?

" Hello?", I said.

" Oh hey Ali", he said," Wanna meet me in the park today?".

" Um sure?"

" Great meet you there in five minutes".

With that he hung up.

I walked as quickly as I can to the park because where I was, it very far from the park. When I got there I noticed Luke sitting on the bench near the fountain. With the sun behind him he looks like a fallen angel.

Wait what am I thinking? I'm over him. Right?

" Hey Luke", I said as I sat next to him.

" Oh hey", he said.

" What did you want to meet me for?"

" I wanted to talk about Ashton and Vanessa".

I cringed.

" Um s-sure", I said.

" I thought about it and at first it felt like betrayal but then I realized they were meant for each other", he said.

" Ya, that's what I was thinking", I said.

" Really?"

I nod. We both sat there for a while until I finally spoke up.

" You know, at first I started using him as a rebound but then I started falling in love with him", I looked away.

" Really? A rebound from who?" he asked.

I turned my face and instantly, it was right in from of his. I closed off the space between us and kissed him. This kiss wasn't like the last time I kissed him. It wasn't even like how Ashton kissed me. It felt like I was longing for something my whole life and he is the one I longed for.

He pulled away and stared into my eyes.

" I-I love you Luke", I stuttered as tears spilled out of my eyes, " C'mon, say something".

He stayed silent.

" I-I-I", was all he managed to say.

With that I stood up and ran out of the park. I quickly ran home an saw Zoe on the couch. She saw me crying and quickly pulled  me into a hug.

" Maybe I should move to England with you", I said.

" Do what ever feels right to you", she said.

I thought about and kissing Luke did feel right to me.

I guess it didn't feel right to him.

Luke's POV

Oh my gosh, I'm such an idiot.

I should've said " I Love You" back.

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