Chapter 1) Welcome to the Shadow Realm

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        The Realm of Shadows was a land most kept entirely to itself. An everlasting moon in a sky of constant darkness was an everyday sight for the Realm's inhabitants. Though, most would refer to themselves as prisoners, as they were unable to leave their dimension unlike all the others in the Second Reality. King Draven ruled over the entire Realm, forcing the Kings and Queens of varying lands to follow his rules, and his rules only.

       Though now that he has finally perished after thousands of years of corrupt rule, the people of the Shadow Realm are faced with a newfound freedom. They now finally start to see some independence, but that's not something they're used to. What are the individual Kings and Queens to do with this full power and control they now possess? Can they handle it? Even they aren't exactly sure, for not much has changed in the months since his death.

       However, things began to shift in October of 2016. It would be a month that would go down in their history books, but not for reasons most would consider good. You could probably call that year’s Halloween the worst Halloween the Realm had ever seen; because it was! No celebratory history lessons on those which came before, no sharing of cultures, differences, or coming together for festivities– not even among their neighbors!

       Instead, the Realm of Shadows hid away in their homes with signs of fear over those which lived beside them. A month that is usually spent celebrating the different lands and cultures which make up the Shadow Realm, now turned to the start of panic, fear, and power-hungry royals. For October of 2016 would mark the start of the 2016 Vampire-Werewolf Hysteria– and it all started at Bloodwine University.

       A grand, all-purpose school that teaches every subject they possibly could, ranging from the arts, to the sciences, to learning magic and skilled fighting! A university where students choose three subjects to learn, and can choose which specific classes to take. By the time they graduate, they will be fully grown adults, who are perfectly capable of pursuing their passions. Having great value in education and the arts, every single Vamparial citizen across the Vampiric country is required to spend at least six years at the school.

       Students usually arrive 8 months after highschool graduation every January 2nd. Since students typically arrive at age 19 and stay for six years, they are usually fully grown adults by the time of graduation at age 25. Though there are older adults who pay to attend the academy for a second, or even third time. This is either because you’re looking to change your career, or just want to learn and have a good time for another six years. When you’re practically immortal, you have all the time in the universe!

       Here at Bloodwine University is where it all started. One faithful morning with a quiet, whispering rumor that would change the course of history, for better and for worse. For good and for bad. For all of the realm.

       This is the story of the first time the Shadow Realm changed and rebelled in 12 thousand years.


[ Wednesday, October 19th, 67,016 (2016) ]


       It was a foggy afternoon as it usually was in the Shadow Realm. The cool mist fogged throughout New Vamparial’s Northern hemisphere, even leaking into the open hallways of Bloodwine University. But that's of course to be expected, as the institution rests upon (and inside) the two largest mountains on the island at its northernmost point. Clouds tend to linger up here in the colder atmosphere. If ever there’s a mist storm, you can count on classes being canceled or delayed due to the thick fog.

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