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Trent and Harmony weren't the only couple enjoying the fireworks

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Trent and Harmony weren't the only couple enjoying the fireworks. Phil and Anabelle had found the edge of the pier where everyone was sitting too crowded, and had decided to go exploring. With five minutes to go until the show began, the two had gambled on one of the tall apartment buildings on the pier having rooftop access, and had opted to take the stairs, rather than the lift.

"It's alright for you," Anabelle huffed, dragging her feet a little behind her soulmate. "You run around in circles for a living. I sit at a desk."

"I run in circles, not up flights of stairs," Phil called back down to her. And then, when he realised what he'd said, "I do not run in circles, anyway!" His tone was indignant, and Anabelle laughed in delight.

"You said it!"

With a sudden burst of energy, she managed to catch up to him, and the two reached the top flight together. Thankfully, the door was unlocked, and they pushed it open with ease, making their way out to see the view. The apartments of the building had balconies facing outwards, so each of the occupants had evidently decided that this offered them a better view than the roof, as it was deserted. After catching their breath, the two sat at the edge of the roof to wait for the show to begin.

"Only a couple minutes to go, I'd imagine," said Phil, placing his arm around Anabelle's waist, as she rested her head on his shoulder tiredly.

"To be honest, I might fall asleep before then," she smiled at him. Phil chuckled.

"Please don't."

There was a pleasant breeze blowing up on the roof. It was a warm evening, but being up so high meant it was a little cooler. However, neither of them felt it, with the anticipation of the moment.

"You know we haven't really talked properly about this whole soulmates thing," said Phil, turning to look at Anabelle. "It's beautiful, and I'm really happy that it happened with you. But you know this doesn't guarantee anything, right? We still need to fight for each other, we need to be ready to make this work. It's not a free passage to a problem free relationship."

"I understand that," Ana said. "What are you worried about, Phil?"

"I don't know, I just... okay, I'm gonna tell you this, and I know I can trust you, but please don't tell anyone else because this is a bit of a painful subject for me."

"I won't spread it, I promise you," she replied, resting her hand on his for support, and squeezing it gently. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

"No, I want to, I wouldn't have brought it up otherwise," he said. "And anyway, you need to know to understand where I'm coming from. My parents were soulmates, and I was born very early into their relationship. But they took it for granted that everything would always be fine between them, and both of them said things they didn't mean, and did things they couldn't take back. It completely destroyed their bond, and... yeah. I just don't want that to happen to us, which is why I think communication is so important."

"I agree with you, 100%, and I can see how easy it would be to fall into the trap of thinking everything will be perfect forever," she nodded. "I'm sorry about your parents. Did you understand what had happened, growing up?"

"Kind of," he nodded. "I used to ask my mum what her soul mark was, why is was there, you know. I was just curious, like any kid. It's in the past now, and I'm okay. But if you're not ready for a relationship yet I just want you to be honest with me, because I don't want to try and force something you're not ready for."

"Are you ready yourself?" Ana asked. She was touched that he could be so frank and open with her, and in her heart, she knew that she could fight for this. For them.

"I'm ready," he nodded, looking determined.

"And I'm ready too," she replied, and although it was dark, she could make out the smile that her words brought to his face. And then the fireworks began, and both of them turned their faces towards the sky to appreciate the moment. 

"I always think the colours are amazing in fireworks," said Anabelle. "Like... it's fire. Why is it blue? Fire isn't blue."

"It's blue if it's very hot, actually," Phil chuckled.

"Ah, I always wondered why I liked seeing you in your kit. Now I know."

"Did you just... wow Ana," Phil said, and then both of them were giggling. "That was far too smooth, even for you."

"Whatever, I'm the least smooth person there is," she stated. Phil shook his head with a smile, and finally tilted his face towards hers, and kissed her. She returned the kiss with just as much passion and feeling, so that even the sound of the fireworks faded into the background as they focussed completely on each other. Ana pulled away a little to stare at him, a smile creeping onto her face. She was falling hard for him, but she knew she could trust him completely, and there was something so beautiful in that. Phil leant in and kissed her again, and as he felt her lips curve into a smile, he smiled too.

"We're missing the fireworks," she murmured, her brown eyes meeting his.

"That's okay, we're making our own over here, and I like these ones better."

Ana laughed.

"As cringe worthy as that sounds, I have to agree with you."

Everyone made it back to the restaurant in time for the awards to begin, apart from Phil and Anabelle, who were fashionably late. That's what Phil described it as, anyway.

"It's only ten past," he stated, as they joined Jordyn and Kun at one of the tables. "Don't need to make such a big deal about it."

"Yeah, but it's what you were doing in those ten minutes that we need to be concerned about," said Jordyn, eyeing the two of them. Ever since her friend had told her that Phil was her soulmate, she'd been waiting impatiently for something to finally happen between them.

"Well," said Ana, turning to look at Phil.

"Well," he smirked, before turning back to Jordyn, and holding up their joined hands. "We're together, so there's that."

"Aw, yay!" The Brazilian smiled happily, standing up to hug her friend. Ana returned the hug with a huge smile, and then giggled as Kun and Phil bro hugged. "You two are both beautiful people, I'm so happy for you! Wow, I feel like I'm saying that to a lot of people these days."

"It's something about this place, I think," said Kun, smiling at Jordyn. "I think this is the city of soulmates."

"Maybe it is," she nodded.


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