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John spent a restless night, which was to be expected

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John spent a restless night, which was to be expected. He was unable to escape the fact that he could well wake up the following morning to learn that his girlfriend had died in the fire. It was very unusual to not hear from her for so long, as the two had been keeping up a regular conversation throughout the days since they'd been apart. When John finally managed to fall asleep in the small hours, it wasn't restful sleep. He awoke at eight the next day feeling like he'd stayed up all night.

The first thing he did was reach for his phone, and saw the text from Natalie, as well as a million missed calls.

'John I'm so sorry to scare you like that!' The text read. 'I'm okay, my brothers are okay. Call me as soon as you can. I love you.'

And then another:

'Oops I shouldn't have said that for the first time over text should I. I mean every word tho.'

John felt the biggest smile growing on his face, a wave of relief settling over him, and he let out an excited yell. He jumped out of bed and got dressed as quickly as possible, barely waiting to put his shoes on properly before running out the door, phone in hand. He passed Raheem and Phil, who were rooming with him, and the two looked at each other with hope in their eyes. If John was that happy, surely it meant that Natalie was okay.

Natalie answered the face time call almost instantly, and although she looked more tired than John thought it was possible for a person to look, she was alive and well.

"I can't tell you how happy I am to see you," he said, shaking his head. "I was so so worried, we all were, when I didn't hear anything from you."

"I know, and I'm so sorry to scare you like that, and everyone else as well. I haven't slept, we've been fighting all night, but the fire is officially under control now. They've managed to finally contain it, and it's gong to be okay."

"Really?" John exclaimed. "That's great news! I'm so happy."

John had reached the barbecue area where some of the other members of the team were eating a barbecue breakfast, with Raheem and Gabi hot on his heels. The others there suddenly realised what was going on and ran to look over John's shoulder to see Natalie.

"You're okay!" Ox exclaimed. "That's how you know you're loved Natalie, when we don't hear from you for a few hours and everyone freaks out."

Natalie laughed at him.

"Thanks Alex, we're all okay, thankfully."

"How's the fires?" Asked Gabi.

"They're all under control," said the blonde, nodding to the Brazilian. "Some are still burning here and there, but the wind really dropped overnight, which is a massive help. That's what made us stay up all night, every pair of hands helps, and we finally got there."

"I bet it's been a long week for you," said Raheem. "We're all proud of you! Especially John."

"Really?" She asked, smiling happily. "It's been such an experience, but I'm so happy it's over. I'm going to go home and sleep now."

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