Since that moment

12 3 9

Chapter Seven

Two years ago


"Okay, one more time, and then we're done for the day," I encouraged them, but Law groaned in objection, tilting his head back.

Of course he wouldn't agree with me.

"In two days is the most important gig since we started playing as a band," he pointed out, twiddling drum stick between the fingers of his left hand. "We need to give them our everything."

"What the fuck are you two talking about?" Drew lit up a cigarette as he put down his bass on its stand, backing out from the microphone. "We're playing at a fucking high school party."

"In front of two hundred people, Drew!" Law yelled, throwing a stick at him, which he successfully dodged. "That is the biggest gig we got since we started playing together!"

"So, what is the fucking problem? We have these songs memorized by heart," he replied, inhaling the nicotine.

We have been practicing in Law's garage for six hours now and I think it started showing. Anytime we had a gig, we would bust our asses off, but never like this. We're a band because we love music, not because we want to be successful.

While I was thinking, they got into a heated argument, and Drew started walking towards Law, who got up from his drum set.

Oh, fuck no.

They won't fucking fight right now. We need to stay focused.

"Hey, what the fuck is wrong with you two?!" I yelled and snatched Drew's hand, dragging him back behind the microphone.

"We'll go through the setlist one more time and we'll call it a day, alright?" I asked, looking at both of them.

Law nodded and sat at the chair behind his drums and Drew scoffed, putting out the cigarette and grabbing his bass.

They acted like girls on periods, for fuck's sake!

So, we did exactly that - we played the songs that we thought would make the atmosphere crazy, which took us another two hours and two more fights.

"Okay guys, we'll rock the stage on Friday," I announced proudly, placing my electric guitar in its case, and Drew did the same with his bass and microphone.

"We better," Law remarked with a grin. "If nothing else, Drew will have at least ten girls begging to go in the bed with him."

"You fucking bet I will," Drew replied with a smirk, lighting another cigarette.

I laughed - yep, those are my best friends.

"Bye, douchebags," I greeted them before I walked out of the garage.

Instead of going home and facing my father, I headed towards Zara's house, where I knew I was always welcome.

Although it's Summer, my father never approved of my love for music because he thought I will never get anywhere with it. Mum stood by his side, no matter what I said because she was scared of losing him.

I pulled out my phone and plugged in earphones, playing my favorite music while I walked through quiet, small neighborhoods. It was already nine p.m. and the sun was slowly disappearing behind the horizon, coloring the sky in beautiful shades of pink and red.

My lungs filled up with fresh air and I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment while my favorite song of Red Hot Chili Peppers, Dosed, played. This was my favorite part of the day, it was simply beautiful.

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