Death by the bay

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Chapter Ten

Present day


"You don't fucking understand! She could've died!"

"Am I the one who refused to be with her? No."

"Wha- You left her in the middle of the night with no way of getting back home!"

"She said she'd call you."

"Guys, shut up! I think she's waking up."

I fluttered my eyes open, looking around the bright hospital room. I immediately noticed the window that presented dark clouds and fluorescent lights that shone down on me.

"Honey, are you okay?" someone rushed to me and squeezed my shoulders. "I'm so sorry for everything I said, I wasn't thinking straight."


I inhaled her orange-scented shampoo and hugged her back. She winced, moving away.

"You should probably go easy with that hand," she pointed out. I looked down at my right hand which was in a cast.

"Wha- what happened?" I mumbled, glancing at Drew and Law in the back of my room.

"Orsen called the ambulance when you passed out at his house," she reminded me, intertwining our hands. "I asked him what happened, but he refused to talk to any of us. I think he was ashamed."

"That bastard deserves everything that comes at him," Drew snarled, twirling a put-out cigarette between his fingers.

Our eyes locked and suddenly, everything from last night flushed my memory.

We did it again.

My stomach tied in knots and I wasn't able to hold back the guilt.

"Storm, I'm truly sorry and embarrassed for what I said to you. Will you ever forgive me?" sadness flashed through Zara's eyes and her bottom lip trembled.

"Oh, Zara," I hugged her neck, bringing her closer. "I already forgave you."

"Aw, how cute," Law commented, snapping a picture of us with his phone. "I'm gonna hang this one on my wall," he told Drew.

Both Zara and I flashed him a look, but he couldn't care less.

"Okay, who's ready to hear my idea for the prank?" Drew smirked, placing the cigarette behind his ear.

"Don't you think it's a little inappropriate to talk about pranks when Storm is laying here in a hospital bed?" Zara disagreed.

"Nope," he shook his head.

"Hate to break it to you, Drew, but I highly doubt you'll top off Sar's prank," Zara shrugged, snuggling beside me in the bed.

"Wanna bet?" his lips flickered upwards, challenging us.

I raised my brows, looking at everyone in the room. "I believe in your imagination," I told him.

"You better, babe," he nodded in my direction. I winced at the name he'd just called me, imagining Sar's voice talking to me.

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