Late night adventures

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Chapter Eight

Present day


"You did what?!" Zara screamed into my face when I told her what went down last night.

"Zara, keep it down," I warned her through gritted teeth, looking over to Mrs. N who was in the kitchen.

"You fucked Drew," she looked at me in surprise. I shot her a warning look. "You fucked Drew," she repeated quieter, still shocked.

"Yes and what? Do you think I feel proud?"

"Well, I wouldn't either if I fucked Drew."


"What? I don't want you to catch an STD!"

I shot her a glare and she shrugged.

I know what I did was below my dignity, but I'm desperate.

I need to feel something.

After everything that had happened, I'm afraid I won't be able to feel again.

"Alright, I'm sorry... I'm not being a good friend," she apologized, sipping her coffee.

"Yeah, you're not. Do you think I don't judge the way you treat Law?" I raised my brows and she gasped. "Yeah, you heard me. He's been at your feet since you two met and you always choose older dudes over him."

"Zaraella, is that true?!" Mrs. N gasped from the kitchen, leaning on the marble island, with one hand over her heart and the other around a cup.

Zara glared at me before she directed her attention to Mrs. N.

"Mum, this convo is none of your business!" she fired back, narrowing her eyes at her mum.

Mrs. N sighed and raised her arms in surrender.

"My point here is, you don't get to judge me, babe," I reminded her, taking a bite of my muffin.

"Who gave you permission to be so smart?"

The day went by slowly. Zara and I mostly watched Netflix and ate garbage food.

Drew called me later and asked where did I go. The thing that surprised me the most was that he sounded genuinely interested. If I didn't know any better I would have thought he has feelings. I told him it was a one-night thing and to stop calling me.

I hope he doesn't act any different on Monday in school.


"Zara!" I manically screamed as I dug through my new closet. "Zara!"

Panic rose to my chest when I realized I was missing something - a piece of me.

"Dude, stop fucking yelling," she appeared at my doorstep, in her silk robe and with slippers on.

"Zara, did you pack Sar's hoodies?" I asked her, breathing heavily. She hesitated.

"Well, they were at his house and we didn't go there because of Orsen," she explained nervously.

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