Solid Walls And Flying Cars

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They arrived at King's Cross Station a few days later and Draco looked excited while Edelweiss looked the opposite. Her face was paler than normal and her eyes had dark circles under them, from many nights up in the library. Narcissa embraced her quickly before turning her attention to Draco. Lucius narrowed his eyes at her and she responded with a small nod. Her eyes ventured to the barrier as the Weasley family entered down two people. She boarded the train behind Draco and made her way to a single compartment, and called for Dobby.
    "Muffliato, Dobby." The aforementioned elf appeared.
    "Miss Prince, it is an honor to see you again." He said with a small bow.
    "It is good to see you again too Dobby, have you blocked the barrier?" She asked, and Dobby nodded frantically.
    "Yes Miss Prince, Dobby blocked the gateway, Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley were very confused. They returned to Mr. Weasley's family car." Dobby explained, and he shook his head.
    "They may try to take it to Hogwarts, Ronald would definitely come up with the idea. He is the twins' brother after all." She sighed to herself. "Thank you Dobby, unfortunately I may have to call on you again at some point this year." She smiled at him and patted his head gently. He flapped his bat-like ears and his lamp like eyes welled with tears.
    "Such a kind mistress, Miss Prince is. Dobby is happy to serve Miss Prince." He said before disappearing with a crack. She returned to the compartment and sat with Draco, upon their arrival at the Great Hall, she noticed that her uncle was missing. As the Baron floated down next to her like he did every year she took the chance to question him.
    "Baron, how has your summer been?" She asked politely, and he smiled, stunning many students, including his own house.
    "My summer was very well, Peeves wasn't quite as irritating as normal though he seems to have been tricked into thinking I was wandering around the 3rd floor invisible last year." He shook his see-through head. "That poltergeist never learns."
    "Have you seen Professor Snape? He isn't at the teachers' table." She asked concern evident in her voice.
    "Oh he is dealing with some unruly Gryffindors who thought it would be okay to fly their car into the Whomping Willow." He said casually, they watched as Albus and Minerva, left the banquet understanding why they were being called away.

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