Arguements and Attacks

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"Muffliato. Uncle Severus why would you tell Draco that spell? Now Harry is going to be harrassed for being able to speak Parseltongue." She yelled concern for her brother taking over.
"I told Malfoy a spell that could help him win the duel, Lockhart was doing the same." Severus shot back his mouth seemingly permanently in a scowl.
"Yes but L- Professor Lockhart is a bloody idiot, you are actually a powerful wizard!" She shouted, and Severus looked slightly proud that his niece believed him to be strong.
"The boy won't care, he'll laugh any insults off." Severus dismissed the thought with a wave of his hand.
"My dad may have, but Harry's not him. Harry's a child who's been raised by people who treated him terribly and this is the only place he's been accepted. What do you think he'll do if he thinks that the school hates him for something he didn't do?!" Her voice grew with each word until she was shouting. Without so much as a glance at him she spun on her heel and left. Leaving Severus to consider what she said, with a slight pang of guilt.

Edelweiss stormed out of her uncle's office and made her way back to the common room where Draco was waiting.
"Del! Where did you go?" He asked having wanted to talk to her about the dueling club.
"I just went to talk to Professor Snape." She responded still upset at Severus.
"Can you teach me some more jinxes? I couldn't come up with more during the duel so I had to use Professor Snape's spell." Edelweiss sighed,
"This is the hand motion." She said demonstrating the wand movement. "Flipendo, is the verbal part. Practice on a pillow in your room so you don't actually hurt anyone okay?" She said and he nodded excitedly.
"Okay, thanks Dell."

Another attack occurred, the Hufflepuff from the dueling club and a ghost. Harry who was the first on the scene was being considered by the student body to be the heir of Slytherin. After a few days of rumors Edelweiss tracked down the twins, they had been in the Gryffindor common room, probably planning another prank, when Edelweiss asked the nearest Gryffindor,
    "Can you check if the Weasley twins are in there? Tell them Weiss needs to have a word with them." She told the terrified boy. "And there's no reason to be frightened of me, I just want to talk to them." The second year, Neville Longbottom, replied stuttering.
    "I-it's n-not you I'm worried a-about. I j-just don't w-want them to t-target m-me." He stammered, "Y-you're v-very p-pretty." Edelweiss laughed.
    "Thank you for the compliment Neville. If the twins bother you just let me know, I'll give them antlers for the next week." The boy smiled nervously.
    "Thank you, I'll go tell them." He said running over to the portrait of the Fat Lady. Before long Fred and George made their way out of their common room.

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